Administration strictly enforces new phone policy


Sadie Chapman

Freshman Hailey Ferguson puts her phone away at the beginning of Amelia Smith’s math class.

   The school district has implemented a no phone school policy. However the phone policy is very hard to enforce. 

    Phone’s are allowed in the hallways between classes, and during lunch. In years past the staff members were allowed to pick their class rules on phones. 

    “Teachers and administration saw an issue with students not being engaged and constantly distracted by phones during instructional time,” principal Danny Morrison said. 

   This prompted a school-wide ban on phones in the classroom.

   “It keeps kids more focused in class, rather than being focused on what’s going on, on social media,” freshman Hailey Ferguson said. 

   Students are learning how to adjust to the new school policy, however students still aren’t happy about it. 

   “I think it’s dumb and there’s no point in the phone policy. Phones will be phones and they are going to be around, ” sophomore Kendall Bagley said. 

   There are not a lot of people that actually follow the rules, and they just do what they want. 

   “I think they should have given us a chance to have our phones, and gone from there,” freshman Kaleby Stevenson said. 

   Teachers and other staff members have an opinion that contradicts the student’s opinion. Many staff members believe that this is a new way to overcome the distractions of phones. 

    “I feel the cell phone policy has been successful. Students are more engaged, even though it is necessary to remind them sometimes to put it away,” Algebra I teacher Amelia Smith said. 

   “I personally feel that phones should be powered off during school hours,” upper level math teacher Amy Spunaugle said. 

   The staff members are learning that this phone policy is difficult to enforce. Teachers and staff are going to continue to try to enforce the phone policy and hope to see the improvements they desire.