Homecoming invites float building, spirit week costumes and games
Homecoming candidates prepare for Friday night coronation on Randy Morrow Field. They include, (front row) princess candidates, juniors Payge Adair, Kiersten Grobe, Ally Wenberg, Ashten Cunningham, queen candidates, seniors Helena Givens, Suzy Cortright, Rylee Pals and Jessie Glenn; (back row) prince candidates, juniors Zach Chapman, Lane Bates, Matt Couzens, Chase Steiner, king candidates, seniors, Ethan Schomburg, Eli Hawkins, Joey Mace, Jesse Johnson. Photo by Ally Estes.
The spirit days included Disney Duo (Tuesday), Nick vs Disney (Wednesday), Throwback (Thursday), Color War (Friday).
Friday will be a busy day at WHS as classes construct floats for a downtown parade, attend assemblies and face-off in games and contests. Classes will accumulate points based on their class float, participation in spirit week costume days and assembly games.
Once the assembly is over, class scores will be counted by the student council members and the class with the most points will have won Homecoming week. Students also get awarded for being the most spirited on certain days of the week. Classes get quite competitive about the award.
“Underclassmen want to show up the upperclassmen like this year’s seniors have done in the past,” Student Council sponsor Kara Hill said.
The celebration will culminate with the football game against the Butler Bears, coronation of Homecoming royalty at half time and a Homecoming dance following the game.

Ethan Schomburg is a senior this year. This is his third year as part of the Warsaw journalism department. He is in math club, speech team, and plays golf...

Ally Estes is a senior with a passion for the liberal arts. She currently attends Warsaw High but plans on attending Graceland University in Iowa,...