Students spend time at hobby sport

  Even among their hectic school year schedule; the seniors, several juniors and even last year’s seniors have taken up another thing to pass the time – often even in the middle of the night. They play Ultimate Frisbee after school hours and on weekends.

  “There are no practices, set time, or coach; it is just something we do every once in awhile. Normal play times are usually nights during the summer,” senior Thane Henderson said.

  Senior Austin McCall describes Ultimate Frisbee as a game where a player throws a Frisbee to each other while making some trick passes.

  The game is a bit like Football. When playing Ultimate Frisbee on the football field, players play sideline to sideline and the out of bounds are the 30-yard lines. Players would stay between the inside lines while running back and forth with the team to score a goal but, if they would drop the Frisbee then it is automatically the other team’s.

   According to McCall, the challenging part part about Ultimate Frisbee would be throwing the Frisbee.

  McCall said Ultimate Frisbee is a fun way to hang out with friends and get his mind off of school work.

  “It’s a fun game to play with your buddies and friends and good game when you want to have a good competition,” McCall said.