Christmas festivities contribute to special holiday
The Christmas holiday season is much more than a two-week break in academic work. Many students get into the spirit of the season by spending time with family, taking part in their traditional holiday events and making the season special.
“Our family tradition is watching Christmas movies together,” junior Kristen McMillin said.
McMillin said that the movies Elf and Jack Frost are always watched in her home during this time of year.
Views may differ on what the season means to families.
“What Christmas means to me is spending time with my family and decorating the Christmas tree together,” junior Lane Guess said.
“Christmas means a lot to me because it reminds me of my grandma. This was her favorite time of year,” senior Tristen Weiser said.
Traditions are put into play as students enjoy the season with family and friends.
“Our family tradition is decorating the tree after Thanksgiving,” junior Eric Caldwell said.
“My family always gets up early on Christmas day and we open the presents together,” freshman Brandon Mantonya said.
As predictions for a rough winter are in the forecast, students reflect on fun times that they’ve had in the past with the snowy weather.
“I like to go sledding because it’s something I’ve always done since I was little,” Weiser said.
“I love whenever it snow because when I think of Christmas time, I think of the snow,” Caldwell said.
As there are many things to enjoy during the Christmas season, students continue to spend time with friends and family.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....