Baseball seniors look forward to district play, look back on memories made

  The 2023 Wildcat Baseball seniors will take a lot away with them as they step off the field for the last time and onto bigger things in life. The team will enter district play next week as the number one seed.

   This year’s seniors included catcher Nick Bagley, outfielder Tayten Boyer, outfielder Gage Whitaker, infielder Alec Frost, and manager Anthony Konopasek.                                                

   All five of these seniors have made an impact in many different ways on the baseball team and the school/community as well. 

   “They all play a big role in different ways,” head coach Johnny Eierman said. 

   Senior Gage Whitaker has played baseball all four years of high school. Whitaker has been a stand out and leader in all aspects. He generally is seen in the outfield most of the time, but also can be seen pitching a few due to pitch count. Whitaker stated that he has just always enjoyed the time in the outfield.

   Bagley is an All-State catcher for the team.

    “He does a great job behind the plate and is the leader of our defense,” Eierman said.

   “I enjoy catching a lot. I was always back there working hard every pitch and I wanted to be that guy that they needed behind the plate,” Bagley said. 

   Bagley has played three years with his freshman year being cut due to COVID. 

Boyer is also to be seen in the outfield most of the time. Following a recent homerun in Eldorado Springs on 4/4, he’s known as a “great leader” for the batting lineup. 

   “Tayten plays outfield for us and has had a great senior year,” Eierman said.    

   “I really like the outfield because I can control the outfield if needed,” outfielder Tayten Boyer said. 

   As an infielder, Frost has played mostly second and third base.

   “Alec has done a good job in the infield and at the plate for us this year, while being an ultimate role player,” Eierman said.

   “I love playing in the infield because a ball usually always comes to me so I play a lot of a part in those positions,” Frost said.

    The last senior for this year’s baseball team is Anthony Konopasek. 

   “Anthony wasn’t able to play this year but is still helping out in different ways. He’s a good team leader and does a lot of whatever the team needs,” Eierman said. 

   Being a senior, means taking on a big role of being a good role model.

   “The seniors are doing a good job by showing up everyday and teaching these younger guys how to work and not complain,” Eierman said.

   “I believe I have stepped up with the mental side for the underclassmen. I would leave them letting them know that it’s okay to lose and be fine with it, because that’s what builds a team,” Whitaker said. 

  Being a senior often means taking a look back on memories made.

   “My favorite memory of my high school baseball experience was beating Holden in the district championship my sophomore year,” Frost said. This was also Whitakers, Boyers, and Bagley’s favorite memory as well.

   “The best part of winning that championship was being the winning run of the game at 2 a.m. in the morning,” Bagley said. 

   “I would agree with the game in Holden or Tayten and Gage’s walk offs against Harrison and Versailles,” Eierman said.

   Their baseball coaches have made a great impact on these senior players. 

   “Ever since my baseball coach passed away, I’ve always played for him,” Whitaker said. Assistant coach Bailey Jelinek died in a car accident in 2021. Coach Eierman has been with the seniors their entire high school career.

 “Eierman really changed my view on everything. Baseball gives you life lessons to reflect on the mental part of life,”  Frost said.

 “I honestly wouldn’t want any other coaches. They have made my high school experience the best it could have ever been,” Whitaker said. 

 Eierman’s first year as the head coach was the season of 2019-2020. 

   “My favorite part of coaching this year’s seniors is watching them go to work everyday. They are a hard working group and will be successful after high school no matter what they do. They are extremely competitive and want to win as badly as anyone,” Eierman said. 

   As the 2023 seniors will eventually step off the diamond for the last time, the memories that were made will forever be cherished.

   As Theodor Seuss Geisel would say, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Boyer began to express how he felt and could relate to this quote.

    “Baseball has made a big impact on me. It goes by fast so cherish the memories with the brothers, work hard, and have fun. Before you know it, it’ll be you answering these senior questions,” Boyer said.