Students show off math knowledge in contests
Waking up early on Saturday mornings for math competitions may not sound fun to most teens, but these students who make up Warsaw’s math team are doing it and winning some recognition for WHS.
During the Smith-Cotton Competition, the team earned a second place trophy and the mixed team, with students from each grade level, brought home the gold with a first place medal. This first place team consisted of freshman Wesley Jackson, sophomore Ashlynn Adams, junior Alyson Alcantara, and senior Anna Siegel. At the Cole Camp contest, the Warsaw team finished in fifth place. They were one point behind the fourth place team and 12 points behind the third place team.
“At the beginning of the year, I sent out an email to the entire student body. Students just reply to that email and they are in. If during the year, a student decides he/she wants to join, he/she needs to just let me or their math teacher know,” math club sponsor and math teacher Amy Spunaugle said. Currently, there are about 24 students involved in this club.
A lot of the members in the club agree that this club comes with many benefits and can be very beneficial in the future and in their regular school lives. The information the members use in competitions, they use during classes that help them excel.
“Being in the math club, my grades have improved; it’s more practice and an opportunity to learn new things,” freshman Jessie Bilderback said.
“They have science and history tests at math competitions so you always learn something useful,” senior Ashley Spry said.
Many may wonder how competitions work before committing to the club. It’s very simple and fun at the same time.
“On Saturdays, there are five slots of testing times. Students sign up or get assigned a test during each slot time. The tests last approximately 20-25 minutes. After the test is taken, the proctor takes the test to the grading center to be scored. They are put in order from top to bottom,” Spunaugle said.
Members who join can get medals for winning competitions and placing at them. These awards look excellent on resumes.
“I’ve received first in calculus which I’m the most proud of and fifth in trigonometry and logic,” Spry said.
Most competitions are local and under an hour away. The group has gone to Warrensburg, Smith Cotton and Cole Camp this year.

Adison Sherrill is a junior at Warsaw High School. This is Adison's first year taking advanced journalism and is so excited to be a part of it. Her hobbies...