FFA members demonstrate agricultural products at Food for America
Sophomores Jacob Hart and Dakota Bilderback show elementary students presentations at Food For America.
Ag members put together Food for America presentations for students and staff to observe throughout the school day.
On Friday, Oct. 17, the Agricultural department hosted the event Food For America.
“Food For America was a major success this year, it was the best we have ever had,” senior FFA president Zach Swiger said.
Outside beside the Ag building, a variety of presentations were set up with live animals and different projects that staff and students could explore.
“ I chose to do the hay presentation. I chose this because it was something that I had already known a little about, and I had easy access to the equipment that I needed,” Swiger said.
Food For America is held every year as it attracts attention and gives viewers a look on agricultural literacy.
“I like that the students get a feel of what ag is. We get the opportunity to experience some of the things they do and learn about first hand,” junior Melissa Scrivener said.
After members of the agricultural department prepare for Food for America. the outcome makes everything worthwhile.
“Kids are always eager to learn about what we do in Ag and FFA. You can tell by the look in their eyes when you teach them something that they never knew it before. It’s all about being a role model and showing them that hard work and dedication really does pay off,” sophomore Blake Brodersen said.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....