Student-led pep club encourages more crowd spirit at fall sports
School spirit is back and students are becoming more involved.
During volleyball and football season, a “pep club” has been revived by student leaders. Being a part of the club means they’re expected to dress up as the themes and go support the players at the games. The club agreed on the themes to do, such as neon night, construction worker, business casual, white lies, Hawaiian, Jersey, pink out, and pajama night.
“I enjoy dressing up for pep club and seeing the reaction of other teams when we go full out. It’s always a good laugh. I also enjoy when the pep club does chants all together to boost the team’s mood. Having so much school spirit has made me more excited to come to school, go to games, and represent the Wildcats. Because of our spirit, more people have reached out to me and told me how excited they are for the pep club. It’s making everyone step up their pep game,” senior and student body president Ashley Spry said.
“There is a strong presence of the pep club this year. They are loud and proud, we love to see them at the games. I know it boosts the athletes’ spirits too,” RootEd advisor (career and academic advisor) Bobbi Swisher said.
The pep club can get very creative when it comes to making themes for games. They make sure to communicate with everyone when coming up with ideas so they can get everyone’s ideas and opinions. Doing this can persuade students to want to participate, dress up and cheer on the Wildcats.
“The pep club this year has had more participants. Students are showing interest in coming to the games and supporting their classmates and friends. More students are getting involved in pep club and dressing up for the themes. Last year, a lot of students didn’t show up to the games and support, but that has changed this year,” sophomore Carter Howell said.
Dressing up for spirit week was a great way for students to get more excited and involved in the school activities.
“My favorite thing about showing spirit is being able to get the inside scoop on dress out days and game days,” junior Olivia Strange said.
This year’s freshmen have shown a lot of interest in participating in school spirit, most of them dressed up for spirit week and showed how creative they can be when it comes to showing school spirit.
“I enjoy showing school spirit in high school. People take it more seriously than middle school and it’s a lot more fun!” freshman Luke Henderson said.

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