Warsaw students swarm Truman Lake for snagging season

It’s official, Spring is finally here. Lawns are being covered in bright, yellow dandelions. Birds are singing their lullaby’s at the crack of dawn, and not to forget every guy will be posting their “100 pound” paddlefish, or in other words, ‘Spoonbill’ all over Instagram.
Benton County is the Spoonbill capital of the world. People started swarming Lake of the Ozarks on opening day March 15.
“I caught more fish on opening day,” freshman Charles Young said.
“Opening day is the best time to snagg,” freshman Reece Maxwell said.
Freshman Wesley Orton said the middle of the season was his favorite time to snag. “It’s easy to tangle a line with a lot of people,” he said.
Snagging season isn’t just a time to try and catch the biggest spoonbill, but also a time to bond with friends and family. Fishing in general is a time to “chillax,” and make lots of new memories, maybe even make new friends.
“I caught a fish in a random field because it flooded really badly but no funny spoonbill stories.” freshman Logan Ryles said.
“When I was fishing with my dad we were on a cove island, my chatter bait hit me in the head,” Maxwell said.
“I like to snagg with Dakota Todd and Sonny Garret,” Maxwell said.
“I snagg with my brother all the time, it’s a good way to bond,” Ryles said.
“The best part of spoonbill season is spending time with friends and family like fishing and the outdoors.” Orton said.
“I caught my first spoonbill on the dock when I was 12. It was like 73 pounds,” Ryles said.
Lake of the Ozarks and Truman lake is swarming with Warsaw students trying to catch their “100 Pound Spoonbill.”
“I like to fish in Truman and Lake of the Ozarks,” Maxwell said.
“Lake of the Ozarks is the spot for snagging,” Young said.
“I just go down to the old road house dock or just go on a boat in Osceola. I will catch more on a boat.” Orton said.
Warsaw students may not be experts when it comes to snagging season, but they sure have great advice for the season. Student anglers say having good equipment is key.
“Just use the biggest treble hook and a heavy pound,” Maxwell said.
“My advice is to get you a good heavy rod, some big treble hooks, and a really nice heavy line,” Orton said.
“Get you a good pole, some really good lines, a 100 tess,” Young said.
Others advise patience.
“When you snag them, they take off running, you have to fight them. Don’t ever stop fighting em’,” Young said.
“Another piece of advice is don’t give up, you may sit out there for hours and not snag one,” Orton said.
“Some good advice is that you gotta watch out for others. Sometimes the water gets packed with drunk boaters, so just watch out for other people on the water,” Maxwell said.
That’s a wrap on spoonbill season 2022. Warsaw students are already excited for next year’s spoonbill season to go out with friends and try and snag their “100 pound spoonbill.”