Snow days delay Courtwarming celebration
The Courtwarming celebration week was changed instantly after weather postponed school and activities the first week of February. The spirit week was not only cut short, but the Courtwarming coronation and game’s were canceled and rescheduled the following week. Candidates felt the stress of the situation and waited in anticipation for the day to come.
“When Courtwarming was canceled I was really sad because I really wanted to experience it and didn’t think I was going to get to. Plus, I really wanted to wear my dress,” princess candidate Ashlyn Laue said.
The home game against El Dorado Springs was rescheduled for February 10. After the girls game, the coronation ceremony was held. The 2022 Courtwarming princess and prince were juniors Ashlyn Laue and Logan Schockmann. Queen and king were seniors Nora McMillin and Gaven Cunningham. Last year’s returning queen and king, Aspen Whitaker and Logan Strunk attend the coronation ceremony.
Along with the event itself, there was a lot of planning that went into it, mainly from the student council.
“There is always some stress involved when planning an event, and this event more so the case this year, as with COVID still being an issue there are some unknowns that we might not normally have. I like the creative part of the planning; deciding what the theme for the week is going to be and what the dress-up days will be, as well as what pep rally activities we will have. Of course, there are also more logistical issues to consider as well, such as the royalty ceremony and dance,” student council co-sponsor Whitney Hamilton said.
“It is not stressful as long as the Student Council follows through with the plans they make,” student council co-sponsor Bobbi Swisher said.
The spirit week had the theme of “We Got the Beat.” When school was canceled spirit week was picked back up the next week. Between the two weeks, the spirit days included “Groovy Day,” “Pump It Up”/workout attire, and “Our House” color wars. The only planned spirit day that was missed was “Fancy” day. Some students participated in each day and others not so much.
“It’s something new and different that adds excitement and fun to the school day,” sophomore Olivia Strange said.
Along with the spirit week, an assembly was held on Feb.10. Student council put together many games and activities for the classes to participate in such as a hungry hungry hippo, knockout, tug-a-war, a plunger race, and plunging for gummy bears. The games brought on excitement and a sense of competition between each class while competing. The junior class took the overall win after competing in each game.
The delayed Courtwarming week was a success filled with fun and excitement although the dance was canceled.

Sophomore Rachel Henderson is beginning her first year of high school journalism. This year Rachel will be a staff writer and she is very eager to accomplish...