Prom committee springs into action to raise money
Window paintings decorate the front of a local business. The prom committee painted windows as a fundraiser for prom
Spring is just around the corner. That’s right, prom season is almost here. In order to make this night the prom students look back on and remember, the junior committee needs to start planning. To do this they have to raise money. Prom will be on May 7.
“We’re trying to make this the best prom ever!” junior Isabelle Edge said
Prom committee was thrown for a loop with the change of sponsor early in the year. Business teacher Kim Pate has taken over this role.
“The juniors are an awesome group of kids. It hasn’t been stressful at all due to the leadership these students have,” Pate said.
The prom committee has done lots of fundraisers to help raise money. So far, they have sold chocolate bars, pizzas, suckers, hot chocolate, had a beef raffle, done concessions at basketball games, and hand painted store windows downtown. The most successful fundraisers were the pizza sales and concessions. Overall, they have raised over $7,200. Their goal for this upcoming prom is $8,000.
“We were way behind; we had little to no money. We have been doing every fundraiser we could. The Student Council gave the Shakespeare’s Pizza fundraiser to us and that helped a lot,” junior Jazzmyn Swisher said.
The prom committee has secured a location and will have a buffet-style meal. The location is top secret.
“We will keep fundraising after we get to the goal because you can never have enough for prom. This will help us make our prom stand out from past proms,” Edge said.
There have been lots of juniors who have helped make everything go smoothly and raise money efficiently. Pate wanted to recognize Gracie Comer, Faith Tharaldson, Ellie Murrell, Coehen Walton, Izzy Edge, Timber Sandstrom, Jazzmyn Swisher, Samantha Pearman, and lots more.
Pate said the administration has also been very flexible and helpful.

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