Students enjoy return to more ‘normal’ Homecoming

Emma Johnson

The Homecoming court celebrates at coronation. They include: juniors Gage Whitaker,Eliie Murrell, Tayten Boyer, Faith Tharaldson, prince Hudson Karr, princess Jazzmyn Swisher, 2020 king Austin Brazel, 2020 queen Kylee Fajen,crown bearers Maddox Brewster and Haven Hinkle, seniors king Grant Chapman, queen Alyssa Alcantara, Brady Slavens, Taylor Howe, Giovannni Pagliani and Taylar Kleihauer.

After some of last year’s Homecoming events were not able to happen because of COVID, students were ready to celebrate this year.
“The students were super excited to have a ‘normal’ Homecoming this year,” student council sponsor Bobbi Swisher said.
“I believe with COVID effecting last year, it made this year harder to do, but it was a success for what we had,” sophomore Grace Drake said.
“My favorite thing was how it was all back to normal. I loved getting to do the pep assembly, float building, and, especially, the parade. Seeing the community gather again was so awesome after missing out last year,” senior Taylor Howe said.
Drake was not the only student council member who thought Homecoming was successful.
“I think Homecoming was very successful; last year we couldn’t build floats, have a parade, or an assembly all together. My freshman year, I wasn’t here for family reasons, so this year was the best Homecoming I have ever had,” junior Ellie Murrell said.
The 2021 Homecoming was held the week of Sept. 17 and included a spirit week, parade and assembly with the “Versus” theme.
One of the highlights of the event was the coronation of the Homecoming court at halftime of Friday’s game. The prince and princesses candidates were Tayten Boyer, Gage Whitaker, Hudson Karr, Jazzmyn Swisher, Ellie Murrell, and Faith Tharaldson. The king and queen candidates were Grant Chapman, Brady Slavens, Giovanni Pagliani, Taylor Howe, Taylar Kleihauer and Alyssa Alcantara. Chapman and Alcantara were crowned king and queen and Karr and Swisher were prince and princess.
“It was really surreal being on Homecoming Court. As a young girl, I had watched many princesses and queens walk down the football field. I always wondered what it would be like, but never in a million years did I think I would be able to do it,” Alcantara said.
“Homecoming court was really fun, my favorite thing about it was being with my friends and being the center of attention for a little bit. It’s always fun to be the center of attention every now and then,” Boyer said.
Homecoming Friday started with float building and a Homecoming parade down Main Street.
All week, the spirit of Homecoming was present in the halls with the “versus” theme. Tuesday was Biker vs Surfer, Wednesday was Mathlete vs Athlete, Thursday was Country vs Rap, and Friday was Color War.
“My favorite day would have to be the Bikers vs Surfers because Hudson (Karr) and I went against each other and we went all out,” junior Jazzymn Swisher said.
Students celebrated with the assembly at the end of the day on Friday.
“My favorite part was a close one. One was watching Grant on the floor trying to frantically put on a dress,” Alcantara said.
This year’s Homecoming dance was held outside due to COVID regulations.
“Even though we haven’t had a Homecoming dance outside before, I don’t think that it was bad at all. It was something new and I really enjoyed it,” Swisher said.