Five journalism seniors add to WHS publications legacy

Adviser Mrs. Adler

On the left Newspaper staff writer, Joe Montez, Newspaper editor an chief, Rheanna Coke, Yearbook editor an chief, Brooke Spry, Newspaper editor an chief, Emmaleigh Kowal, and Newspaper design editor, Darby Mostaffa celebrating their graduation party before they leave.

The Journalism department includes both yearbook and newspaper, and in these classes are five seniors who have dedicated hours of their time to making sure that their publications are up to the highest standards. Seniors are going to miss this class and all the fun times. 

    Seniors Brooke Spry and Rheanna Coke have been in the journalism program for four years, Emmaleigh Kowal has been with the program for three and Darby Mostaffa has been in the program for two years. Joe Montez joined journalism during the 2020-21 spring semester. Each writer has left their mark on their respective program and journalism adviser Amanda Adler is sad to see them go.

 Spry started as a staff writer for The Wildcat her freshman year, but transferred to the Ozark Echoes Yearbook staff for her remaining three years of high school. Spry is the 2020-21 editor-in-chief of the yearbook.

 “I enjoyed all the birthdays and late nights working on the yearbook,” Spry said. “We ate a lot of pizza.”

   Coke and Kowal are editor-in-chiefs for the school newspaper and have been hard at work all year to ensure that the issues are published on time. 

   “I will miss Mrs. Adler and all the parties,” Coke said, “We had the best gifts and the best food, it was a really fun time.”

  “I will miss the connections I made with people. Some of them are short connections, made over a simple interview as I talk to them about their passions and interests, and others are the bonds that are made as we go through the year as a class,” said Kowal 

   Mostaffa has been on staff since her junior year, taking on the position of design editor her senior year.

   Montez joined the class to gain further writing experience for college. He enjoyed writing opinion pieces during his short time on staff.

   “Take risks and be confident with your writing and your interviews,” Coke said. 

   “Show up to work nights, Mrs. Adler will be 1000% less stressed if the newspaper is laid out on time” said Kowal. 

   Adviser Amanda Adler will miss these seniors in her class, and is thankful for all the hard work they have put into journalism. 

   “I will never forget Rheanna and Brooke starting out as scared freshmen and growing into such confident young women. I will never forget Darby’s sarcasm and strong conviction and taking pride in our publications and having her work turn out well. I will never forget Emmaleigh’s quiet dependability, and Joe’s goofy laugh,” Adler said.