Students celebrate delayed Courtwarming week

(Back row) seniors Marc Schrader, Haley Dwyer, Darby Mostaffa and Gabby Porter, (second row) seniors Bradley Brown, Lauren Kreisel, Taylor Spry and Austin Antwhiler, (first row) seniors Sabrina Uptgraft, Rheanna Coke, Brooke Spry and Kyleigh Hines all gather at the senior bench. This was this senior class’s last pep assembly.

Students enjoyed “A Night at the Movies” all week long during Courtwarming spirit week. The days were inspired by different movie classics. With the many unplanned snow days interfering with the schedule, coronation was pushed back. It was originally scheduled for Friday Feb. 12, it then moved to Thursday Feb. 25, pushing the spirit week days up and leaving Friday as a normal day. Courtwarming royalty included seniors Aspen Whitaker and Logan Strunk and juniors Emma Johnson and Jack Gardner.