Students, staff excited for Prop S funding
The view through the eyes of a student walking through the hallway brings to light many troubling concerns within the high school building. One aspect may be the chronic leak in the junior hallway, or maybe the discolored blue lockers in the middle school, or perhaps even the chipping paint in the high school gym. All of these flaws bring detrimental–and perhaps even dangerous–value to all who witness them. That is why, with the help of Proposition S, Warsaw High will be able to remedy some of these problems.
Prop S is a no tax-increase bond, expected to collect as much as $6 million. The proposition was proposed by superintendent Dr. Shawn Poyser and passed in the April 2nd ballot by a 72% favorable vote.
“I was very excited to see a 72 percent favorable vote. It shows we have the confidence of the community and Pro S. I truly appreciate our bond committee’s work in helping rally the vote,” Poyser said. “Monday night at our board meeting the board voted unanimously to offer competitive bids for the $6,000,000 bonds, which we hope to have in less than two months. The first thing we will do is pay off our leases (approximately, 1.8 million) in order to save us $288,000 in annual lease payments. Our engineers, FSG, will be here next week to start evaluating HVAC and the other projects, most of which will take place in 2020.”
In the last issue of The Wildcat, it was revealed that a majority of administrators and board members were in support of the proposition. However, few students discussed the matter and their own opinions.
“I think it could be a good thing,” freshman August Nickles said. “I was surprised to even hear about the bond in the first place.”
Nickles said that the three main things that need the money would be the track, the dance program and the band program. Even though Nickles is still a few years short of having to worry about taxes, she knows the importance of a no-tax increase.
“Even if it was a tax increase, I don’t think it would matter. However, some people will realize it adds up a lot,” Nickles said.
“With Prop S, I feel that me and my school are superior now, because with this money we can make changes and differences. But, with this money I believe we should get a new track and fix the friggin’ parking lot. The potholes are ruining cars and the rocks cause dents and strip tires,” junior Tristen Reynolds said.
Reynolds would also like the funds to go towards improving the atmosphere of the school’s environment. He feels as though if he had a calmer atmosphere, he would be able to properly and proficiently do his school work.
Junior Alexis Mantonya hopes that the money will be evenly distributed between facilities and extracurricular needs, versus going towards the sports programs.
“I feel like the track and football field aren’t in that bad of a shape compared to the broken heaters and A/C. I feel if students were more comfortable, they would be more driven to educate themselves,” Mantonya said. “Sports are important, but they wont give you an educated future. They can give you scholarships, but once you get into college unprepared, it won’t make a difference.”
Mantonya believes the proposition will be very beneficial to the school.
“I think it’s a good idea; it’ll be beneficial if the money is used properly. It’s just be another downfall if we don’t.”
Teachers have their own priorities for what they believe the money should go towards as well. Business teacher Kimberly Pate believes student safety should always go first when choosing where to make improvements. The administration has already prioritized some projects and some of the money will be going to pay off leases on buses and past roofing projects.
“If I could choose what the money would go towards, I would choose the facilities and track. We have a lot of improvements that need to be done to the building, and we’ve needed a new track for a while now,” Pate said. “Just like the proposition said, student safety should always go first.”
“I was extremely pleased to see that the Prop S passed with overwhelming community support. We live in a community that came together to support our school,” principal Danny Morrison said.
“The money will be distributed based off of the needs assessment prioritized by the board of education.”

Ally Estes is a senior with a passion for the liberal arts. She currently attends Warsaw High but plans on attending Graceland University in Iowa,...