Classic horror movies still provide thrills for students
The classic horror movies are still alive and well for Warsaw students according to a recent survey.
According to the 74 responses on the survey Classic Horror: Are They Still Scary? Yes, they are, with the original 1990’s “It” at 37.5 percent, with 27 votes. The second survey concerning the more recent horror movies, which only had 40 responses, with “Mama” and “Lights Out” tied for first.
All of those movies all have certain factors that contribute to make horror horror and “there are MANY factors that make a horror movie scary. The biggest one, though, is to make a person feel trapped and alone, cut off from all source of anything but the horror they face in a scenario or scenery that they’d usually be comfortable,” junior Sharon Baublitz said.
Adding on to that, horror evidently has key elements “gore, logic, or based on real events,” according to senior Triston Good. “If it’s logical, that adds fear-should you put yourself in their shoes; gore-as certain things can make you cringe- which is good in a horror film, such as “Hostel,” “Saw,” etc; real events (are scary) due to the fact that somewhere at some time someone actually did it.”
Than extending on the elements they “usually this would depend on the person, everyone has something that creeps them out, if the movie triggered that (kind of) scare,” said sophomore Anna Cawood.
According to Wes Craven’s 1996 classic, “Scream,” “there are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to survive a horror movie. First, you can never have sex. Second, you can never drink or do drugs. BIG NO NO. It’s a sin. It’s an extension of number 1. And last, you can never, ever, ever under any circumstances say “I’ll be right back,” ‘Cause you won’t be back. I’m gettin’ another beer, you want one? Yeah, sure. I’ll be right back. See, you stretch the rules and you end up dead. I’ll see you in the kitchen with a knife,” said “Randy Meeks,” played by Jamie Kennedy.
Taking all this into consideration, the classics are more in praise simply because “something noticeable is that a lot of the new horror seems sloppy, repetitive, and almost as if the movie industry is simply running out of ideas. For example, they replace time consuming build-ups for a temporary jump scare which leaves you unsatisfied. However there have been some great ones that have come out in the last decade, (such as) “The Conjuring,” and “Gone Girl,” – which is technically thriller not horror but it’s built in the same way so I categorize it under the same category, and yes, paranormal activity,” Sharon said.

Eve is a Sophomore with *currently* pink hair. She is in both English and Speech club and also is a member on the news staff. She into anything creative,...