Speech team performs at district competition, three advance to state
Juniors Kylee Myers, Caitlin Easter, and Mikayla Andrews rehearse a scene from the one act play. District speech contest was March 3 and 4 at State Fair Community College.
The speech team performed at district contest at State Fair Community College.
Individuals competed as well as two groups, the reader’s theatre and one act play on March 3 and 4.
Individual performers included juniors Briar Heavener and Caitlin Easter, and freshmen Kathryn Ricke and Ashten Cunningham. Heavener received fifth place in dramatic speaking, Ricke received fifth in prose, and Easter received fifth in humorous. Easter is also advancing to state for getting third in poetry. Cunningham and Ricke will advance to state as well for receiving second in duet acting.
Ricke feels that she and Cunnigham did a good job in duet acting.
“We missed a few lines, but that did not show,” Ricke said.
Ricke is excited for making state. She did not expect to do very well her freshman year. With it being Ricke’s freshman year, she is amazed she made it to state.
Ricke also performed in the readers’ theatre, which performed “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.”
The readers’ theatre consists of a script that does not need to be memorized. Members are allowed only the script, no costumes, and only three crates and two chairs. This event took third place, the highest in Warsaw history.
Freshman A.J. McMillen was one performer in the theatre. McMillen thought the performance was okay. There were points where some performers forgot where they were and did not read their lines which led to some long periods of silence. She felt they could have performed better, but they were okay.
The one act play received fourth place. The play was “Cotton Girls.” The cast was: junior Kylee Myers as “Colleen,” junior Caitlin Easter as “Berry,” and junior Mikayla Andrews as “Miss.”
Easter feels the play went well.
“A lot of us were sick,” Easter said. “So we did well for not having time to memorize our lines.”
Even though they had been sick a lot, Easter feels that there is always room to improve.
Speech team members feel they have had a great year.
“I’m really proud with our team this year,” Easter said. “For two events to go to state is really big, especially for one being a freshmen team.”

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