Humble high school hero steps up to lead through example
The hero cliche normally involves capes and super powers, and gods battling villains, not desks and pencils and students battling their next final. But, as it seems, the title can actually apply to both. Junior Naoh Long is a prime example of a hero who battles both tests and villains alike.
“Noah would make a great high school hero because he’s very involved in everything that we do. He’s nice and not afraid to talk,” freshman Autumn Long said, “He’s also really smart and organized.”
“I would consider Noah a hero for possibly having the most school spirit out of everyone,” sophomore Aidan Graham said. “He gets along with just about anyone.”
Not only does Long make a stellar high school student, but he seems to make an excellent hero as well.
“He stood up for me once when another student was making fun of my religion,” freshman Kylee Wood said, “He’s great because he doesn’t mind sticking up for others.”
But Noah hasn’t only helped out friends and classmates. Teachers share their experiences with the young hero.
“Noah is a student who never turns down someone if they need a hand. He takes time out of his day to be nice and help others,” math teacher Amy Spunaugle said. “He helps me everyday by just being Noah. His kind heart towards everyone just makes me happy to see that there are students out there that care more about others than they do themselves.”
“Noah always sees the glass as half full instead of half empty. He chooses to be happy.” math teacher Jowell Roellig said. “He just treats everyone with respect and inclusion. He also stepped up and helped recruit students for Graduate for Mas.”
Despite his reputation as a great student, Noah, himself, doesn’t consider himself much of a hero.
“I would not really consider myself a high-school hero by any means; I see so many other students around me that would deserve the title like this through the things they do every day,” junior Noah Long said.
“I see students doing things all the time that make them stand out. I see people like Hannah Chapman and Ashlyn Yoder who are involved in everything showing their leadership and making things happen. I see Ricky Branson, Austin Larsen, and Claudia Schmitz who excel in the things they do. These people are showing their Warsaw pride by going all out in the things they do, showing excellence. I see Richard Cox and Allen Botteron – people who hold doors open for other students, not only in the mornings, but throughout the day. It is important to always remember how much the small things mean. People do notice,” Long said.

Ally Estes is a senior with a passion for the liberal arts. She currently attends Warsaw High but plans on attending Graceland University in Iowa,...