Students anticipate Courtwarming celebration
The 2016 courtwarming candidates were announced Friday, January 22. They include: (front row) junior princess candidates Makayla Mais, Ashlee Kuykendall, and Erica Flores; senior queen candidates Dracie Davidson, Kaitlyn Laue, and Kylie McRoberts; (back row) junior prince candidates Wesley Carr, Austin Gardner, and Blake Brodersen and senior king candidates, Austin McCall, Johnathan Plybon, and Justin Jachetta-Whitmire.
Students will have another reason to celebrate their school spirit on February 5. It is Courtwarming time again.
Although the game against the Eldon Mustangs isn’t until the 5th, the voting for Courtwarming Royalty began on January 22, so Student Council is busy planning the activities, including spirit week, banner decorating and barbecue, an assembly and the coronation ceremony.
Students say what they enjoy most about Courtwarming is that it brings out more school spirit in students.
“One of my favorite things about Courtwarming is how everybody goes to the basketball game and we have a huge pep club,” junior Maddie Freeman said.
The game is also fun for the players.
“My favorite thing about courtwarming is definitely the game,” senior center Austin McCall said.
Courtwarming candidates are held to high grade and attendance requirements to qualify. After candidate voting on Jan. 22, the court was chosen. The prince candidates are juniors Wesley Carr, Austin Gardner, and Blake Brodersen. The princess candidates are Makayla Mais, Erica Flores, and Ashlee Kuykendall. The king candidates are seniors Austin McCall, Jonathan Plybon, and Justin Jachetta-Whitmire, and the queen candidates are Dracie Davidson, Kaitlyn Laue, and Kylie McRoberts.
The coronation will be in between the JV and Varsity games on Feb. 5.
The week leading up to the game on Friday is known as “Spirit Week.” Each day the students are encouraged to come to school dressed up according to theme. Monday was pajama day, Tuesday was twin day, Wednesday was character day, Thursday was mix-match day and Friday was color war day.
Students who qualify will be excused from class to participate in banner painting and a barbeque on Friday, according to Student Council sponsor Jenny Greene. The qualifications for participating include grades of A’s and B’s and an attendance of 90 percent or above.
A big change to the celebrations this year is that there will be no dance following the game. In the previous years, dances were poorly attended and did not make a profit. Losing money takes away from the other activities planned by Student Council. The dance will most likely not make a comeback in future years either according to Student Council sponsor Jenny Greene.

Abby Foster is a freshman this year. This is her first year writing for The Wildcat. She plays volleyball, is vice president of the freshman class, and...