Spanish two students enjoy interactive concert
In addition to the learning experience that came along with it, memories were made as the students enjoyed watching performers Emir Sensini and Justin Lamas from Argentina at the Webb City Spanish concert. The Spanish II class attended the Dec. 2 concert.
“The students attended the concert to have a cultural experience hearing Spanish music and to develop more interest in learning Spanish,” spanish teacher Donna Crouch said.
“The concert was amazing! It was super fun and great people hosted it,” sophomore Kylee Myers said.
In addition to not being able to attend a Spanish concert every day, students got a lot out of the experience.
“What I liked best was that the performer made the concert very interactive and he gave us a chance to really get to know him, not only as a singer, but as a person,” senior Melissa Scrivener said.
“I got to learn new words and I got to listen to one of the performers’ stories and learn how he became such an amazing person,” Myers said.
Unlike some school trips that are all about learning, this one gave the students an opportunity to relax and have some fun.
“The best memory for me would either be getting to dance on stage with Melissa Scrivener or when we were standing next to the stage and Emir was singing and was touching everyone’s hands,” senior Keyona Davis said.
“The best memory was having a student say it made them want to learn more Spanish and also watching two of our students up on stage dancing during one of the songs,” Crouch said.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....