Drumline prepares to bring show to crowds

   Percussionists are now working on the theme song from Super Mario Brothers in preparation to entertain crowds with drumline.

The eight-member drumline plans to have their first performance at the Dec. 18th Christmas assembly.   

  Members this year are seniors Stephanie Fisher and Melissa Scrivener, junior Nathan Perry and Nathan Townley, sophomore Emily Stantorf, freshmen Autumn Long, Alexander Long, and Blaine Fleury.  

  “Drums are the heart of percussion and help keep the rhythm of band,” Perry said. Perry is the student leader of the drumline. The group is planning to play for some basketball games in addition to Friday’s assembly.

  The instrumentalists say they appreciate the extra practice, performance experience and enjoyment they get from the group.

    “Drumline gives extra practice for drums and helps you get better at reading music,” senior Stephanie Fisher Said.

  In order to join drumline, someone first must be in band and try out near the beginning of the year and the group decides whether or not they can join drumline.

  Perry,  Fisher, and Autumn Long recommend joining drumline because it is fun and helps a band member get to know other people.

   “People just get together to do a few songs,” Autumn Long said.

  They are working hard to learn more songs so that they have more of a variety of songs. They are just working on playing the drums right now and not formations.