Warsaw students take advantage of deer season

Sophomore Glenn Elliott holding the eight point buck he shot this year. This was Elliott’s first deer he has shot. -Photo Submitted

-Photo Submitted

Many students headed to the woods this deer season to take aim at Missouri’s deer population. Rifle season was held Nov. 14 through Nov. 24.
“All I need’s my warm clothes, my grunt call, my firearm, and my orange,” said sophomore Logan Neth.
Like Neth, many students enjoy the excitement of the hunt as well as the peacefulness that comes with enjoying the outdoors.
“I wake up at 5 because of the excitement and thrill of the hunt, and the scenery that can be seen from hunting,” said junior Cade Chiles. Chiles shot a deer this year.
“Hunting is very calming and very peaceful. When shooting my first deer, I felt a feeling go through my body that gave me peace,” said sophomore Glenn Elliott.
Elliott harvested an eight-point buck at 60 yards away. This was his first deer he has ever shot.
“He weighed about a couple hundred pounds. While lifting him (non-field dressed) there was a struggle and lots of blood seeped through and got on our hands,” Elliot said.
Other students harvested bucks as well this season, such as junior Cade Chiles and sophomore Ryan Sprouse.
“You can learn many things from the woods and hunting,” Neth said.

Ryan Burks is a sophomore this year. This is his first year for writing for The Wildcat. His extra curricular is FFA, he was drawn to FFA for the reason...