Junior noticed for kindness and respect
In addition to junior Nathan Townley having qualities of being sincere and also a leader, respect has been earned by his teachers and fellow classmates.
“I think Nathan is a leader at WHS. Nathan has a gift of accepting others regardless of their appearance, social standing, gender, or any other typical stereotype. He is non-judgemental and treats everyone with dignity and respect, and is not afraid to voice his opinion or stand up for those not strong enough to do so themselves,” math teacher Jowell Roellig said.
Nathan is involved in many school-related activities, including band, jazz band, A+ tutoring, NHS, speech team, academic team, and English club. His future plans are to attend State Fair and get his general education, then transfer to UCM to study his major in Instrumental Music Education.
“He’s a great guy and responsible,” said junior Dylan Glaab.
“I feel astonished. I never imagined myself being picked as a high school hero,” junior Nathan Townley said.
Although most students wouldn’t consider themselves to be a high school hero, any person could be.
“I think it takes courage to be able to stand up for yourself and others, to take charge in changing how others see things. Some people think that being prom king or queen would make them a hero, but it doesn’t. There’s a lot more in life than that,” senior Dracie Davidson said.
“A high school hero to me is one who comes through for someone in a time of need. For example, a hero may be someone who gives you the strength to make it through a tough day, or it could be a classmate who encourages you in your ability to pass that big A&P test,” math teacher Amy Spunaugle said.
“If you sit around and do nothing all day, it’ll get boring, so get involved so you are always busy doing something to help others,” Townley said.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....