Organization Spotlight: Student Council
Student council manages school events
Many students might say that some of the most fun parts of their high school experience take place during assemblies, dances and other events. A team of student leaders are who make it possible for those high school memories to be made.
“I love seeing the students so excited to be involved,” STUCO sponsor Jenny Greene said.
“Stuco puts together so many things for our school and teaches many kids leadership, we are also supposed to set examples for everyone, and without a strong student council we couldn’t do that”said freshman class president Taylor Bunch.
Not only are the members of STUCO(student council)amazing at what they do, but they do a great deal for our school. “We’re in charge of pretty much everything,”said president of the student body Austin McCall.” Our last event went pretty smooth.” They take care of of formulating assemblies, Homecoming, Courtwarming, the blood drive,and the Veteran’s Day assembly.
”It’s not being on STUCO that’s stressful, just when you have other stuff on top of it,”said freshman class president Taylor Bunch.
“You get involved in a lot of things and everyone looks to you for help,” said senior president Austin McCall.
Being an active member of STUCO may be a big responsibility, but these students have plenty of reasons to join.The organization gives the students a voice and a chance to help make decisions in their school.They even have different positions they can run for.If the members find a position that interests them they can choose to make a speech online and all of the students vote for them based on their speech.
Greene also mentioned how being on the student council is also beneficial for college scholarships.
But the biggest perk the students on Stuco are looking forward to is going to a Royals game in the spring.
“More students should join so we can do a whole bunch more fun things for the school and get a variety of votes on stuff other students wanna do” said student council member freshman Annabel Castellano
”I like to be in charge of things, all the career choices I’m interested in involve having good leadership skills,” freshman class president Taylor Bunch said.
”Get involved, be a leader,” senior class president Thane Henderson said.

Deanna Alta Mae Garroutte is now in ninth grade. This is her first year writing for The Wildcat. Garroutte has always attended the Warsaw school district...