Seniors class says their last goodbye’s, and reflects on memories
In another week, the class of 2015 will be released out into the world to make all of their plans into reality. Each one has had a unique WHS experience and has set their own goals for their future. In this rundown of the senior class, an attempt was made to get a glimpse of each member of the class.
Trevor Barb, son of Leland and Sharon Barb, was involved in Math Club throughout high school. His future plans are to attend State Fair, then transfer to a university to become a college English teacher. Barb’s favorite memory from high school was forming strong friendships.
Megan Brown, daughter of Christina Brown, was involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, Math Club, Science Club, Academic Team, Band, Drumline, Archery, Softball, Track, Basketball Manager, Pep Club, Top-Cat Tutoring, and was a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church youth group throughout high school. Brown’s favorite memory from high school was watching the seniors participate in Homecoming and Courtwarming pep assemblies. One thing she will miss from Warsaw is seeing her friends that she grew up with every day.
Michael Bryson, son of Chris Bryson and Sharlie Andrews, was involved in Boy Scouts, Football, Wrestling, FCCLA, and volunteered coaching for Parks and Rec. little league baseball. His future plans consist of wrestling in college and studying Physiology. Bryson’s favorite memory from high school was whenever he had the opportunity to play Football with his younger brother, Jessie Andrews. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to be above the “petty drama and ignorance” of those who seek to bring you down.
Briar Collins, daughter of Frank Foster and Dawn Nelson, was involved in Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Pep, Science and English Club, FBLA, FCCLA, A+ Tutoring, Madrigal, Women’s Choir, and Art Club throughout high school. Her future plans are to achieve a two year degree at OTC, and then transfer to MSU in order to earn a four-year degree in Physical Therapy. Collins’ best memory from high school was having the opportunity to grow up with her class, because they are her second family. One piece of advice she would give a younger student is to be involved as much as you can, because it’s a great way to make friends and great memories.
Christopher Cook, son of Brian Cook and Ann Fuller, was involved in Choir. His best memory from high school was his entire senior year. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is never say you couldn’t do something.
John Cooner, son of John and Susan Cooner, was involved in Baseball, Basketball, A+, NHS, Science Club and Pep Club throughout high school. He plans to play baseball at Crowder college. He says his best memory from high school was making the game-winning free throws against Osage this year.
Richard Dickens is the son of Jerridonna Richardson. His future plans are to attend technical school. Dickens’ favorite memory from high school was being able to joke around with his friends and have a good time. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to make sure and get your work done before you begin to joke around, otherwise the end of the school year will be hectic.
Austin Dillon, son of Rodney and Wendy Dillon, was involved in Math and Science Club throughout high school. His best memory from high school was hanging out with his friends. Dillon’s future plans are to attend college and pursue a four-year education. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to make sure to get your hard classes out of the way before senior year.
Tyler Dority, son of Kelly and Melinda Dority, was involved in FFA, basketball and and NHS throughout high school. His future plans are to attend State Technical College for heavy equipment operating and start a career in operating equipment. Dority’s favorite memory from high school was his basketball senior night.
Ruby Dotson, daughter of Jason and Lynlee Dotson, was involved in Dance Club, Ratledge Martial Arts, Math Club, Science Club, and Missouri Scholars Academy throughout high school. Dotson’s favorite memory from high school was starting the Dance Club. Her future plans are to attend SFCC for two years and get an associates degree in applied science, and then transfer to Mizzou.
Jeremy Eierman, son of John and Eileen Eierman, was involved in Baseball and Football throughout high school. His future plans consist of playing baseball at Missouri State. Eierman’s best memory from high school was playing baseball. He said that he is going to miss his friends the most after graduation.
Even Engebretsen, son of Cheryl Engebretsen, was involved in FFA and the Golf Team throughout high school. His future plans are to attend State Technical College to be a Heavy Equipment Operator. A few things Engebretsen will miss are the small town, friends, and teachers.
Lane England, son of James England and Marley Pahlow, was involved in Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, English Club, Pep Club, FBLA, and FFA throughout high school. England’s favorite memory from high school was winning the Warsaw basketball tournament. He plans on pursuing a two-year education after graduation. England said he is going to miss playing basketball with his best friends, and his girlfriend.
Audrey Flores, daughter of Ernie and Celina Flores, was involved in Pep Club, FFA, Softball, and was the Boys Basketball manager throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend Missouri Southern State University to continue her nursing career. Flores plans on pursuing a four year college education. Her favorite memory from high school was the courtwarming game against Osage this year. She said it was an unforgettable night because of Joey Conner “putting down” those free throws and winning the game in overtime.
Julie Franklin, daughter of Jason and Amber Franklin, was involved in Softball and Pep Club throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend college to pursue a business degree and then get her cosmetology certification. One thing Franklin is going to miss are all the small town shenanigans. One piece of advice Franklin would give a younger student is to not sweat the small stuff, because everything will work out.
Jake Freeman, son of Tim and Cheree’ Freeman, was involved in Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Golf, Baseball, Madrigal, FFA, Pep Club, and Science Club throughout high school. His future plans consist of attending basic training in Texas for the Air Force, and then attend Tech School to learn how to inspect and maintain bombs. Freeman’s best memory from high school was when his “best bud Joey” and himself took his parents’ car when they were 15, and went to town and got milk for their pancakes.
Amber Gillham, daughter of Harold and Judith Gillham, was involved in Band, Color Guard, Basketball, Track, FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, and Student Council throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend and run track at Mid-America Nazarene University. Gillham’s favorite memory from high school was when she locked Megan Brown in the bathroom before a basketball game. One thing she will miss the most about Warsaw is the lake.
Collin Goodsell, son of Kevin Cowherd and Shandale Goodsell, was involved in wrestling, baseball, football, pep club, science club, Madrigal, and band throughout high school. His future plans consist of attending the Missouri Welding Institute. Goodsell explains that the thing he will miss the most is being able to see all of the people he is close with everyday. His best memory from high school was when he qualified for the State Wrestling Tournament.
Preston Hammond, son of Chad and April Hammond, was involved in FFA and baseball throughout high school. His future plans consist of joining the Army. Hammond’s best memory from high school was whenever he had met Keely Haynes. The thing he will miss the most are his friends, and a few teachers. One piece of advice Hammond would give a younger student is to make sure and do the work and not argue with the teachers.
Krystina Hensley, daughter of Gary and Barbara Hensley, was involved in Performance and Women’s Choir, Color Guard, Missouri Girls’ State, and Miss Teen of Missouri throughout high school. Hensley’s favorite memory was from this year whenever Color Guard had brought home three trophies in one night. One piece of advice Hensley would give a younger student is live for today and not tomorrow, because you are only going to be a kid for so long.
Bradley Hoover, son of John Hoover, was involved in FFA and Archery throughout high school. His future plans consist of being an Auto Mechanic. He plans on staying in Warsaw. Hoover said that he will miss walking down the hallways and seeing his friends almost every day. Hoover says that his best memory was whenever he went fishing with his friends.
Bailey Jelinek, son of Joey Jelinek and Jennifer Snyder, was involved in Football, Baseball, Basketball, FFA, and Pep Club throughout high school. His future plans consist of attending UCM to play football. Jelinek’s favorite memory from high school was playing sports with his best “pals”. Jelinek also said that he will miss his friends the most. A piece of advice he would give a younger student is that you only live once, so enjoy life.
Jessecah Jennings, the daughter of Jeff and Tammy Jennings, was involved in Band, Choir, and the Drama Club throughout high school. Her future plans consist of moving to Phoenix, Arizona and start the next chapter in her life. Jennings’ said she will miss the most are the memories and experiences that she has had with her friends. She says her best memory from high school was going to State in Madrigal.
Jordan Johnson, son of Don and Cindy Johnson, was involved in Football, Golf, Madrigal, Pep Club, A+, and FBLA throughout high school. His best memory from high school was whenever Joey Cooner had won the Osage basketball game, and everyone stormed the court. Johnson’s future plans consist of going to OTC for two years and then transfer to Missouri State to get a degree in criminology. One piece of advice that he would give a younger student is to work hard.
Riley Karr, daughter of Heath and Jodi Karr, was involved in Newspaper, Yearbook, Women’s Choir, Student Council, Volleyball, Pep Club, FBLA, FCCLA, Pro-Start 1 and 2, A+, and worked as the wrestling manager throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend college at OTC to achieve her general education, and transfer to a four year college. Karr said that she will miss seeing all of the people at school that she wouldn’t normally hang out with outside of school. She says her best memory from high school was whenever she had friends over and they played the game Just Dance all night.
Jessie Kuykendall, daughter of TJ and Kathy Kuykendall, was involved in Track, Cross country, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Band, Drum line, National Honors Society, Student Council, Math Club, Science Club, Academic Team, Journalism, Future Business Leaders of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Top Cat Tutoring throughout high school. Her best memory from high school was making it to State in Cross Country. Kuykendall says that she is going to miss seeing her classmates everyday, and playing sports. She is plans to go to college to become a Occupational Therapist.
Alex Letcher, son of Ronald and Christine Letcher, was involved in Baseball, FFA, and FBLA throughout high school. His best memory from high school was playing baseball and being around all of his friends. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to make the most of your high school career and always have fun.
Zach Long, son of Rich and Kathy Long, was involved in Band, Jazz Band, NHS, STUCCO, A-Team, and Top Cat Tutoring throughout high school. His future plans are to attend UCM to study Anthropology or Archaeology. Long’s favorite memory from high school was his band class that he had taken all four years. One piece of advice Long would give a younger student is to stay in school, no matter how much longer you have.
Tyler Lynch is the son of Charles and Kristal Sawyers. His future plans are to join the Army. The thing he will miss the most after graduation is his girlfriend, Paige.
Chelsie McCall, daughter of James and Christie Bartley, was involved in Women’s Choir and Madrigal throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend cosmetology school. McCall’s best memory from high school was being a part of the choir. The thing she will miss the most is all of the crazy and fun people that were part of her choir class, because they always kept her going if she was having a bad day.
Erica Miller, daughter of Jason Hunt and Marian Miller, was involved in FCCLA and Votech. Her best memory from high school was meeting her best friend. Miller’s future plans are to attend college and travel to Japan and South Korea. One piece of advice she would give a younger student is to not panic, because it looks harder than what it is.
Joshua Pacheco, son of Sean and Tracey Dockery, was involved in Math Club and Golf throughout high school. His future plans are to own a fast car, and build his own Jeep from the ground up. Pacheco plans to attend Mizzou and live in Chicago later on in life.
Jacob Pacheco, son of Sean and Tracey Dockery, was involved in Stuco, Golf, and Art Club throughout high school. His best memories from high school were the bus rides from the golf matches. His future plans are to graduate college, and be able to retire young. Pacheco hopes to live in Boston as well.
Melissa Pierce, daughter of Paul and Casey Landsberg, was involved in Cheerleading, Student Council, the National Honor Society, Women’s Choir, Madrigal, Journalism and Pep Club throughout high school. Her future plans are to Attend Missouri Southern State University to become a Registered Nurse. Her best memory from high school was her first day of Votech during her junior year. One piece of advice Pierce would give a younger student is to try and stay out of the drama, because it worked for her.
Brittany Ritter, daughter of Charles Ritter and Shannon Tindle, was involved with the Art Department throughout high school. The thing she will miss the most from high school is being able to express herself through art. Ritter plans on pursuing a 4-year education after graduation as well. She said that her best memory from high school was having the opportunity to see bands play in person.
London Robinson, son of Matthew and Tanya Robinson, was involved in baseball, scouting, football, and band throughout high school. He plans to attend college to be an Industrial Electrical Engineer. The thing he will miss the most are the great teachers and people. Robinson’s best memory from high school was winning the Arkansas tournament for baseball. After graduation, he plans on living in Sedalia.
Randall Sherman, the son of Dwayne Sherman, was involved in Basketball, Baseball, Track, NHS, FBLA, and FFA throughout high school. His future plans are to attend MSU and pursue a 4-year education. Sherman’s best memory from high school was the Osage basketball game whenever the team had won because of Joey Cooner’s free throws. He also said that he is going to miss seeing his friends everyday. One piece of advice that Sherman would give a younger student is to not take their freshman and sophomore year for granted.
Sara Soles, daughter of Glenn Soles and Lisa Roberts, was involved in FCCLA, Women’s Choir, Pep Club, and A+ Tutoring throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend MCC to become a phlebotomist. Soles’ best memory from high school was whenever she spent time with her closest friends in the art room. One piece of advice she would give a younger student is to not stress over the small things.
Brooklyn Spencer, daughter of Glenn and Susan Spencer, was involved in Women’s Choir, FCCLA, Art Club, ProStart, Yearbook, and Newspaper throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend the University of Central Missouri, to pursue a degree in education. Her best memory from high school was all of the times she had spent with her Art, Journalism, and Pro Start families. One thing she will miss after graduation is the comfort of being in a small town, and everybody knowing everyone else. One piece of advice she would give a younger student is to not waste your time growing up, and to always cherish both the good and bad times.
Luke Spry, son of John and Margaret Spry, was involved in Top Cat Tutoring, Science Club, NHS, FBLA, Golf, and Archery throughout high school. His best memory from high school was being with his friends at sporting events. Spry’s future plans are to attend OTC in Springfield. The one thing he will miss the most after graduation is being with his friends. Spry’s advice for a younger student is to always do what you can, while you can.
Jesse Stantorf, son of William and Donna Stantorf, was involved in Track, Cross Country, Wrestling, Football, English Club, and the Youth Group throughout high school. His future plans are to attend a two year community college and then transfer to a university after figuring out his major. One piece of advice Stantorf would give a younger student is to “work your hardest and not give up even when it doesn’t seem like it is worth your time”.
Zach Swiger, son of Russell Swiger and Tammy Thomas, was involved in Newspaper, Track, Basketball, FFA, Student Council, English Club, Pep Club, Academic Team, A+ and the Evening Shade Youth Group throughout high school. His future plans are to attend OTC and then eventually transfer to Missouri State. Swiger is hoping to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Arts. His best memory from high school was when the seniors won Courtwarming Spirit Week, because they had “taken their spot back on the top of this school.” One piece of advice Swiger would give a younger student is to join clubs and activities and be involved in the school.
Thomas Robertson, son of Ronnie Robertson, was involved in marching band throughout high school. His future plans are to either become a truck driver or an auto-mechanic. Robertson’s best memories from high school were the bus rides back and forth from CTC. One piece of advice Robertson would give a younger student is to try your best and make sure to get through high school.
Tristan Thompson is the son of Bob Thompson and Sonya Mercer. His future plans are to become either a conservation officer or an auto mechanic. He plans on pursuing a 4-year education as well. Thompson’s says that he will miss all of the teachers wanting the best for the students. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to not take anything personal.
Ryan Todd, son of Patrick and Tamara Todd, was involved in Football, FBLA, and served as the Pep Club President throughout high school. His best memory from high school was whenever Joey Cooner won the Osage basketball game. Todd plans on attending OTC for two years, and then transfer to MSU to get a degree in Criminology. The thing he is going to miss the most after graduation are his “best buds.” Advice that Todd would give a younger student is to make sure to respect each other.
Cody Treece, son of Tristan and Lisa Belsha, was involved in FFA, CTC, and Pep Club throughout high school. His future plans are to complete pipe welding certification. Treece says that he is going to miss fishing with his friends and having a good time. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to “make sure and get your work done that way you won’t have to worry about anything.”
John Vogel is the son of John Vogel. His future plans are to attend college.
Derek Weaver is the son of John Weaver. His future plans are to attend SFCC and take a Web Development course. Weaver said that there were too many great memories to list from high school. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to stay in school.
Tristen Weiser, daughter of John and Kathryn Weiser, was involved in Cheerleading, FBLA, Speech Team, English Club, Science Club, and Yearbook throughout high school. Her future plans are to attend Truman State University as a Bulldog cheerleader. She will major in Visual Communications and minor in Photography. Weiser said her best memory from high school was all of the trips that she took with every group she was involved in.
Marshall Wilson, grandson of C.W. and Donna Marshall, and son of Amy Wilson, was involved in wrestling throughout high school. His future plans are to just have fun and make a steady income. Wilson’s best memory from high school was hacky sacking with his friends. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is to get good grades, set goals, and plan ahead.
Austin Yoder, son of LaMonte and Rachelle Yoder, was involved in FFA, NHS, Football, and Track throughout high school. His future plans are to attend OTC for diesel mechanics. Yoder plans on living in Warsaw after college as well. One piece of advice he would give a younger student is have fun and make the best out of it.
Attempts were made to contact each senior, but some were unsuccessful. Rocky Turner, Anna Clark, Jarrett Gibson, Steele Hardin, Abby Jones, Mikala Riggs, Allen Wombles, Charles Woodral, Abby Worley, Kaitlin Wynn, Justin Burkes, Gauge Capek, McKenzie Cleveland, Madison Danner, Shelby Flippin, William Johnson, Kylie Walker, Abby Worley, Heather VanHooser, Steven Unrun, and Brenden Baldwin could not be contacted.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....