Two students competed in the state FCCLA S.T.A.R events over spring break weekend in Osage Beach and one of them will have their work recognized at the National Convention.
FCCLA looked to bring home a set of gold medals at their state competition in Osage Beach over spring break weekend. Some of the competitions included event management, repurpose and redesign, sports nutrition the list goes on. Senior Michael Schliefert and junior Serenity Miller advanced themselves to the state competitions by winning gold in repurpose and redesign at the regional level on Jan. 29. While they did not place in the top five at the state competition, Miller’s pin design did get chosen to represent Missouri at the National FCCLA convention later this year.
The group looked to compete more than ever this year. The events are known as S.T.A.R. events (Students Taking Action with Recognition). These events include fundraisers, PSA’s and assemblies (i.e. traffic safety assembly).
“These STAR events do different things for children, they can be about safety, proposing new fundraiser ideas and creating new ideas for FCCLA,” FCCLA advisor Kimberly Pate said.
Schliefert and Miller took part in redesign and repurpose contest by repurposing a pair of thrifted jeans.
“Redesign and repurpose is when you take a design already made and you transform it and give it a new unexpected purpose with only a twenty five dollar budget,” Schliefert said.
“Our design is a pair of thrifted jeans that would’ve been thrown away,we cut them up and turned them into scrunchies, a purse and a wallet,” Schliefert and Miller said.
“Our marketing tactics are not to sell the product, we’re selling the pattern so people can make it on their own and make it more recyclable,” Miller said.
These two students entered unfamiliar territory and tried something new.
“We didn’t place top 5 in state but I think it went well the judges didn’t give us negative feedback, the other teams just had a lot bigger projects.” Junior Serenity Miller said
“This is our first year doing competitions. We just finished districts and we got gold and were feeling confident moving into state then if we get past that were off to nationals,” Miller said.
Nationals takes place in Orlando, Florida July 5-9.
“I think nationals would be a cool opportunity to get to do FCCLA on a big scale.” Miller said.
While Miller didn’t advance to compete at nationals, her work will be represented in her pin design.
“My pin design is the shape of our state with the state flower, the St. Louis arch, because it is a big landmark, and a sunset with grass because it is a good representation of Missouri agriculture,” Miller said.
Miller was able to have her pin design selected from an online poll where everyone across the nation chooses there states represented pin.
FCCLA helps students develop career and life skills. They offer careers for students to pursue careers that help families. In 2024 FCCLA had 243,957 members spread across 5,357 chapters in 50 states. FCCLA is a great opportunity for students to get involved in a group that helps people who need it, it offers many benefits, scholarships for college and even cash rewards. FCCLA is the perfect group for a student looking to make a change.