Academic Team continues to place strong
After the Academic Team brought home three wins out of the four and continue to go strong, students begin to wonder what their key to success is.
“In the 4 matches we’ve played we have won 3 and lost 1, only by two questions,” club instructor Dustin Daniels said.
“In order to be successful you need to come to practice and never be afraid to answer a question,” sophomore Johnathan Kirmse said.
Practices for both the JV and Varsity teams are held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons as the team strives for more wins at the upcoming matches.
“Typically after our last meet we do not have practices but that’s not set in stone,” Daniels said.
The team recently placed first in the last meet which was on Thursday, January 15th. The meet was held at the high school.
“Claudia and I both correctly answered questions together consecutively,” senior Zach Long said.
The team finishes meets between February and March for the year.

Alexis Riga is a senior at Warsaw High School this year. This is her third year being a member of the news staff. Riga is also involved in cheerleading....