At the conference tournament in Versailles. Warsaw finished in 3rd place with individual placing as well.
Senior Carson Bonner placed 4th with a score of 89.
“I did not get what I wished for in the conference tournament, but I did not play very good so I was pretty happy with 4th,” he said.
Sophomore Parker Gemes placed 9th with a score of 96.
Bad weather affected the golf team’s season with the amount of rain. With the bad weather the team faced many cancellations.
The district meet was held at Lawson May 3. The golf team took tenth as a team. Senior Carson Bonner shot an 88 during districts and was very close to placing.
The team had four wins and four losses for the season. After the conference tournament, they were 6-6.
Players have seen improvement throughout the season and throughout their years on the team.
“It’s been a fun season because a lot of people have improved. I’ve had seniors that have played for three to four years and they’ve improved scoring rounds and total average,” Coach Dennis Larson said.
Senior Charlotte Alspaugh said she put in extra time to see improvement in her golf skill.
Alspaugh shot mid 60s and the her latest score was 55.
“I went out more during the weekends and practiced during my own time,” senior Charlotte Alspaugh said.
“I succeeded in my goal by staying on the golf team,” senior Hannah Wooldridge said.
Golf season comes to end, Bonner places fourth in conference
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About the Contributor

samantha harr, Staff Writer
This is junior Samantha Harr's second year of being in journalism. Harr enjoys the opportunities the class has to offer. She enjoys reading and playing softball in her free time. Harr's goals for the future are to study pediatrics and specialize in nephrology. She wants to specialize in nephrology because she had practice with a family member. Harr has wanted to become this specific doctor since she was a young child. She enjoys writing stories and letting the community know about all the events in the school.