Senioritis Infects Students

A crippling case of “senioritis” has been spreading rapidly through the halls of Warsaw High School.

Senior Sara Soles defines it as, “when you don’t want to come to school and you’re ready for the next chapter of your life.”

The cause is believed to be a combination of boredom and fear. Often the final semester of senior year isn’t challenging and student’s fail to be engaged in their learning when they are receiving the last few credits needed to graduate in May.

Graduation is rapidly approaching and it is known to be bittersweet. Seniors are ready to move on and out of their parents homes, however, they are dreading leaving the familiarity of high school and their classmates.

According to the seniors interviewed, symptoms include:


  • being late to school
  • wearing sweatpants
  • not doing homework
  • barely passing tests
  • wishing you were somewhere else


Senior Luke Spry is very familiar with “senioritis” and seems to be seriously affected by it.

“It hits the hardest after Christmas break, because you only have five months left. You do what you can while you can,” said Spry.

During your senior year, students have been going to school for around 13 years. When they realize they have one more semester, it drags on and it seems like it will never end. However, like Spry said, the senior class wants to have fun while they are all still together.

The National Association for College Admissions Counseling has some advice for seniors wishing to avoid senioritis.

  • Plan ahead: map out what you need to do and when it needs to be done. Organization is key.
  •  Don’t obsess: don’t get involved in some activity just to impress colleges. You don’t have time for that. Instead, do the things you love and drop activities that you’re just not that committed to
  • Talk about it: Useful people to talk to are your friends (who are going through the same things you are), your parents, your guidance counselor and other adults whom you respect.
  • Have fun: They have worked a long time to get to this point and should do all they can to enjoy it


Art teacher, Jennifer Greene also has a few tips on how to avoid becoming infected.

“Keep busy, be involved, and hang out with friends,” said Greene.