Setting short-term goals is key to achieving your dreams

Ever since we were young, we have always been told “follow your dreams, and dream big.” As a child it was easy to create a dream that we would hope to achieve. But as I get older and approach my adulthood, I notice that myself and my peers around me lack the effort to create goals and dreams they want to actively pursue themselves.
According to “many people seem to feel separate from the world they live in because they lack the effort to set goals.” At the start of each school year, many classes require us to set goals and many of us have learned what SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. The first issue that many of us have is deciding on what those goals should be. Is it to get into college? Is it going straight to the workforce? Whatever it is, deciding on a goal is sometimes what immobilizes us. If we still don’t have a plan by the time we are seniors, it will add to the stress of the unknown. If we want to achieve the big picture that we have imagined, we must have that big picture clear in mind. Too many of us seem to want to make a lot of money after we graduate, but have no idea how we plan to get there. The problem is not being unable to achieve the goal, but in how we set our goals and how we stay the course to follow our plans to achieve them. Many people seem to have the mindset of “it will take forever until I get there” and, in result, won’t attempt to try at all.
This problem starts with thinking too far into the future rather than living in reality and the present. Goal setting starts with setting specific, realistic or achievable goals and also creating small short term goals, for example, setting a goal to accomplish one scholarship every Sunday of the week. However, many people seem to become overwhelmed and won’t attempt at all. Setting attainable goals and creating small goals along the way gets you closer to the bigger picture.
Goals can be as simple as taking a 10 minute walk, drinking one extra bottle of water, making your bed, reading two extra pages in your book. Minor setbacks cannot deter us from achieving our goals. Find another path and make it happen.
Taking small steps brings you one step closer to meeting your goal you set for yourself. Taking no steps leads you nowhere. The only way you will be able to achieve your overall goal is to achieve the simple goals in between. Have the confidence in yourself that you have the ability to do whatever you want with your life. You are in control of your life, not anyone else. Set goals that will benefit yourself and that fits your desires, not what others want you to do.
As I approach the end of my high school career I have learned that, at the end of the day, I only have myself. So make the change for yourself, set your own goals and take action to achieve them. As I get closer to starting the next chapter in my life, some advice I have for my classmates is: If you want to go to college, you have to apply, find scholarships, fill out housing forms, etc. No one is going to do it for you. Find the help you need and get it done. If you want to work in a bank, you must do the research, find out what is required, apply for the job and show up for an interview. No one is going to just hand you your dream. You have to work for it!