Sophomore Tatum Bohl finds passion for pageants
After winning Jubilee Days Queen last summer, sophomore Tatum Bohl took off with her pageant career.
“I started doing pageants because I won the Jubilee Days Queen title and then continued onto state pageants,” Bohl said.
There are multiple different categories that take place at each pageant. Some of the categories are interviews, fun fashion, evening gown, talent, etc.
“My favorite category is interviews because I enjoy talking to the judges and getting to connect with them,” Bohl said.
A lot of time and dedication goes into pageants.
“Preparing for pageants takes a while, you need to make sure you know your walking patterns, you need to have your wardrobe, shoes, earrings and much more,” Bohl said.
Bohl competes against many girls her age. It is very competitive and time consuming.
“The amount of people I compete against just depends on how big the program is, it’s typically 5-20 people for state pageants but nationals has 50 contestants,” Bohl said.
Pageants are located all over, so Bohl has to travel to each pageant she decides to compete in.
“State pageants are located closer but nationals are far away. My nationals this year are in Hollywood, Florida and Houston, Texas,” Bohl said.
Bohl has competed in five pageants in the eight months she’s been doing them.
“I have won three titles. USA National Miss Missouri Teen, National Elite Miss Missouri Teen, and Jubilee Days Queen,” Bohl said.
“The pageant that I’ve enjoyed the most has to be the USA National Miss Missouri Teen,” Bohl said.
Bohl has had to make many sacrifices while participating in pageants.
“I think it has affected her life mostly on having some time for herself. She is always at dance, pageant practice, or doing stuff for other people. I don’t think she gets enough alone time and actual time to do absolutely nothing,” sophomore Hazel Thompson said.
Having someone to support you through pageants is very important.
“I would say my biggest supporter is my mom and I’m so thankful for her, she always pushes me to do my best,” Bohl said.

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