Warsaw grad and teacher returns as new assistant principal

Asst. Principal Nathan Parker

Warsaw grad and former high school history teacher, Nathan Parker, has returned to WHS in a new role and is adjusting to his first year in administration.
Parker has taught history for middle school, high school and has taught elementary physical education. He has always wanted to become an administrator.
“I wanted to make this career change for a lot of different reasons. Mainly, I always knew that I wanted to be an administrator since beginning my teaching career and this opportunity opened up and I couldn’t be more excited about it,” Parker said.
Parker graduated from WHS in 2006. He chose to work here because this is where he grew up and he wanted the same for his children.
He is married to Julie who teaches first grade at North Elementary. With his wife they have two kids, their son Brock and daughter Josie.
Parker is enjoying his new role that has been awarded at WHS and seeing positive effects.
“The most rewarding part of my job is developing relationships with students that I most likely would not have if I were not the assistant principal,” he said.
While Parker has been working he has noticed many changes within the school now that he can view it in a different perspective.
“The biggest surprise as an administrator is how many things go on that I was unaware of when I was in the classroom. I think that our school is changing. The staff is energetic and the students are working hard to get back to normal,” Parker said.
Not only has Parker noticed a change in the school, but other individuals have also noticed a difference and sees much potential in Parker.
“It is always challenging stepping into a new administrative role. The biggest challenge as a new administrator is getting to know your students and building the relationships necessary to be effective at the assistant principal position,” middle school principal Cody Wright said.
“Mr. Parker has proved himself in our district over the last several years as a great leader and motivator. He is very disciplined and will make a great assistant principal,” high school principal Danny Morrison said.
Fellow administrators think Parker is doing well in his new position.
“Looking from my current perspective, I believe that the high school is off to a good start this year and continues to make positive changes. Mr. Parker is a good addition to the WHS administrative team,” Wright said.