Students entertain with ‘Once Upon a Mattress for the biennial musical

Senior Samantha Pearman gets into character as Princess Winnifred.

  Fifty cast members brought comedy and music to the stage with the musical, “Once Upon a Mattress,” on Nov. 12 and 13.

   Vocal music director, Deanna Schockmann, chose the show based on its unique style.

   “When considering a musical, I first think of the style of its genre and style of music. I haven’t done a fairy tale before, so I thought that would be fun and transport students to a place they’ve not been before. Plus, the costumes would be fun with royalty during medieval times,” Schockmann said. 

   Schockmann said she enjoyed the humor of the production.

   “I’m all about the cheese,” she said.

   The vocal music department has a tradition of producing a musical every two years.

   “I love musical time, but I am glad we only do it every other year. It’s fun to interact with students in this way. At times, I feel like I’m reliving my musical days and almost wish I could be on stage with them! Almost. The flip side is 12-13 hour days. It wears a body down and it can be difficult to stay mentally motivated. If I don’t bring the energy, then students won’t either,” Schockmann said. 

    Junior Grace Drake played one of the lead roles, Queen Aggravaine. She was the villain in the play. 

    “I love that I get to play a character who is my polar opposite. I’m experiencing a personality I’ve never experienced before. So, it’s really cool to try and be someone I’m not,” Drake said.

    Logan Schockmann was another lead role in the musical. He played Prince Dauntless.

    “I do like acting, though I don’t think I’m very good at it. I really don’t envision myself pursuing acting or being on stage in the future,” Schockmann said. 

   Freshman chorus member, Isabel Dilday, enjoyed the music and gained appreciation for the work of the actors.

   “I like some of the music, my favorite one is ‘Shy,’” Dilday said. Dilday was impressed by freshman Aleah Minks, who played Wench 2.

    “She shows a lot of expression and is full of energy,” Dilday said. 

   There were a total of 55 students involved, whether it was on stage or working backstage.The musical was a school-wide effort, with many different departments and community members pitching in.

   “Our 20 mattress pieces were done by the Ag Construction class and worked perfectly.  Panels were painted by art classes and art clubs thanks to Mr. Norton.  Costumes have primarily been borrowed from SFCC, but we had things in our closets as well.  Some students have also had to buy some pieces like a shirt or a skirt.  Hemming and repairs have been done by Kathy Long and myself.  Katie Johnson and myself have also done various other painting projects and my husband (Michael Schockmann) has come in and helped with getting panels ready to set up with bracing and various cuts.  I’ve also had various students from piano class and men’s choir help with a variety of tasks.  It takes a lot of people to get things going,” Schockman said.


   “My favorite thing is probably the connection we have as young actors and actresses,” Drake said.