Four seniors leave an impact on the diamond
The senior four softball players have not only helped to continue a winning legacy for the Ladycats softball team, but have left an impact on their teammates as well.
The Warsaw Wildcat softball team had their senior night April 18. The softball team consists of three seniors this season, Taylor Howe, Madison Coskey, Karlie Jones, and Jillian Guiot.
Their teammates are sad to see them go but glad they got to experience the sport with them. They were 10-1 going into this week with their only loss being to Skyline by one point in the eighth inning.
“The seniors have positively impacted the team and myself,” freshman pitcher Brylee Brewster said.
“I’m so happy I got to play with the seniors this year, they have impacted me greatly and I thank them all for that,” left fielder Faith Tharaldson said
“The seniors have made me push to my hardest limit and get healed as soon as possible,” sophomore left fielder Laney Arnett said.
This year brings an end to a very long chapter for three of the four seniors. First baseman Karlie Jones has been playing since she was nine years old. Catcher Taylor Howe has been playing since she was seven and third baseman Madison Coskey has been playing for the last ten years.
“It is a bittersweet thing. I am overly sad to realize that I will never play for the Ladycats again, but I am also excited for my future and all things that are to come with it,” Howe said.
Not only is this a bittersweet moment for the seniors themselves, it is for the teammates as well as they reflect on their best memories.
“A memory I will never forget with the seniors, was going to Walmart in the summer of 2021 and buying random things and surprising people with the items, such as a pineapple, a pool noodle, and a toy dinosaur,” Tharaldson said.
“My favorite memory with a senior has to be with Taylor. One of the best memories I have with her would have to be the Skyline game. Even though we lost, she was pushing me to be my best the whole game and was there for me, regardless of what the outcome was,” Brewster said.
“My favorite memory with a senior is probably on the softball bus with Karlie, Taylor, and Madison on our way to Butler. We had the microphone and sang as loud as we could. It was so much fun,” Arnett said.
For one senior, in particular, their softball career doesn’t end here. Howe plans to continue on at University of Evansville in Indiana.
“I am very excited for my future in Evansville and all the things that will come with it,” Howe said.
Seniors share their best advice for their fellow teammates to take with them in their following seasons.
“Advice I always give underclassmen is to have fun. Take corrections first, then have fun and make memories. You are only here for so long,” Coskey said.
“ Never be scared to go get a ball!” Jones said.
“Always put 100% into everything you do, and never give up or settle. Always push yourself to do better and make memories along the way because you will cherish them forever,” Howe said.

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