Athletes get in shape for spring sports

Warsaw spring sport preseason has finally arrived. Practices officially started on Monday, Feb. 28, but many athletes have been training for weeks.
“We are all preparing for the season by showing up to morning practice on Wednesday, and Fridays and going to after school weights Tuesday and Thursday,” junior hitter Alec Frost said.
Training in preseason was a great way to get prepared and be ready for the regular season. Senior middle infielder and pitcher Brady Slavens prepared by, “working out and morning baseball” and “sometimes guys will go to the field on the weekends and practice.”
The baseball team was having open gyms in the morning but some do more work outside of that. Sophomore first baseman Devon Boul said he was “going to early morning baseball and putting in work.”
Last season, they ended 15-10.
The softball Lady Cats had a great season in 2021 ending the season 14-4 and they are setting high expectations for this season.
“Last season went very well, we held a good record, and had very few losses,” junior left fielder Faith Tharaldson said.
WHS softball has been preparing by having early morning open gym practices, as well as some players working on their off time.
“I am preparing by going to hitting lessons and throwing practice every Wednesday and Friday mornings,” senior first baseman Karlie Jones said.
“I’m preparing by going to the early morning open gyms and going to the field on my own time and working with my dad,” sophomore center fielder Jaylen McCullick said.
“I am looking forward to being on the field again with my girls,” McCullick said.
Track season is also coming up and athletes are trying to get into running shape.
“I’m looking forward to getting in great shape and the fun that comes with the track meets,” sophomore Angela Konopasek said.
Junior George Montez is preparing by “going to the gym and working on toning my body.”
Being persistent is key for this sport. To keep up with it the athletes need to be “running and stretching a ton,” senior Grant Chapman said.
Getting in shape can help enormously when being on the track team.
“I’m preparing by getting in better shape and eating healthy so I’m prepared for the running,” Konopasek said.