Safety and cosmetic changes provide upgrade to Randy Morrow Field
The most visible facility improvements that students are enjoying this school year are on Randy Morrow Field. The improvements to the field included new turf, a new press box, a new scoreboard and a custom Wildcat mural of the side of the building visible from the field.
The scoreboard was privately funded through local businesses, the painting on the side of the building was paid for by the school and the turf and press box were funded by Prop S which is a $6 million no-tax increase bond approved by voters in April 2019.
“The improvements were planned over the last year to a year and a half. The last building improvements outside just got finished a couple weeks ago” principal Danny Morrison said.
The Wildcats’ new scoreboard is now bigger and digital, making it easier to see the score from across the field. Some of the new features of the scoreboard include the ability to show ads and to see the other team’s mascot.
“We can actually see the scoreboard, you can also see the team’s mascot,” freshman Heather Terry said.
The school board approved the replacement of the field turf after GMAX testing standards deemed the old turf too hard. Many agree it is a much better surface to play on. The press box also needed to be replaced because of a safety concern, specifically deterioration and mold.
“I think that it feels better when you make tackles or get tackled, but I don’t think it makes a huge difference,” sophomore safety and tight end Nate Banfield said.
There are still more improvements to come in the future.
“Some future upgrades to the building will include new gym seating to replace the permanent seating, as well as the new wall pads and stage pads at each end of the gym. Other safety repairs will include replacing all of the old goal cables and wenches,” Morrison said

Junior Photography Editor Ciara Kleihauer is on newspaper staff for her second year. She is on staff again because she loves writing for the school newspaper....