Seniors recall childhood days as they prepare to graduate into adulthood
Everyone has their favorite memories from their childhood, but there will always be those stand-out memories that remind seniors what they will miss the most about those carefree days.
Autumn Kruger said some of her best childhood memories involved family vacation.
“While my dad was driving, they got bored. He turned up the radio and some Britney Spears song came on and he was getting into the song doing hand motions and singing, he even interacted with the cars,” Kruger said.
“My favorite memory is watching my dad come home from the airport from Iraq. Just seeing him safe and sound made my heart feel better and that’s one memory I’ll never forget,” Aerial Quigley said.
But as memories remind seniors of good times, there is always a bit of sadness to getting older.
“One thing I’m gonna miss about my childhood is the innocence because as you grow up a lot of things become more clear and corrupt in a way,” Joe Montez. said.
After high school everyone goes their own ways and figures out who they want to be in the world. Having all these memories is what keeps them feeling connected to their youth.
Dragon Coke’s favorite memory is one held from working at McDonalds.
“I sprayed Justin Martin with water and completely soaked him once, good time,” Coke said. Coke added that he will miss not having any responsibilities. Coke says it’s scary to think that now he has to take care of himself, by himself.
Justin Martin had somewhat of a similar story to Dragon’s story.
“I remember when Dragon and I had a sauce packet war and buffalo sauce went all over him, thinking of that makes me miss not paying bills, getting money and Dragon’s ugly face,” Martin said.
Rheanna Coke was on the monkey bars one day in third grade and she was too scared to get down, this caused her to have a complete mental breakdown and cause a total scene on the playground. Coke says that when she got stuck, her boyfriend, Bradley Brown, who was sitting with her, hopped down and broke up with her because she couldn’t get down and he thought she was “lame.”
“A memory that is unfortunately burned into my brain is when Bradley broke up with me in third grade after I had a meltdown because I got stuck on the monkey bars. That is the day that I realized all men are dogs,” Coke said.
Something that Coke says she’ll miss about her childhood is having her mom with her when she went to the doctor.
“After I turned 17 and I was able to go to the doctor alone my mom thought it would be ‘good’ for me to go alone and be mature, but every time I go I for real have a silent panic attack in my head,” Coke said.