End-of-day snack time returns for high school and middle school
Thanks to the generosity of the community, the seventh hour snacks have returned due to popular demand.
¨I knew kids had mentioned that they used to get snacks before and that they wanted them or needed them and that they were hungry and some of them have longer bus rides, so I did a little hunting and searching and talked to some people that were helping already with food in the community and they helped us out,” middle school counselor Katie Johnson said.
The snack program started three years ago, when the four day school week started. The Summer Food Program gets donations through various companies and organizations.
The snacks are provided through the Summer Food Program. The snacks will be through December, but they might not be continued after. The Summer Food Program gave out food when everything got shut down so that students would still have some food and they are still continuing to give it out. Every seventh hour gets at least two options, a fruit and a cheese stick then some type of grain. The snacks originally were in the school’s food pantry, but after they turned it into the The Wildcat Store, they had to move the snacks into an unused classroom.
All teachers now get the seventh hour snacks.
“They seem to really enjoy the snacks, they look forward to them.” Science teacher Jamie Allen said.
“I don’t eat the snacks, but the kids like them, they like the soft pretzels the best.” Ms. Siegel said.
According to many students here they like the Goldfish and the rice crispy treats the most. The least favorite snack are the watermelon cranberries.

This is senior Jazzmyn Swisher's third year on the journalism staff. She is the managing editor of The Wildcat print edition this year. She decided to...