Seniors reflect on sports highlights
Over the last four years, each senior athlete has been looking forward to his/her senior night. This year senior nights were scheduled early due to COVID-19 and the chance of fall sports being cancelled, but have since then, been rescheduled many times due to athletes in quarantine.
Volleyball seniors were honored on Sept. 3. Football’s senior night is scheduled for the last home football game against Skyline on Oct. 16, along with recognizing cross country, cheerleading, band, dance team, and color guard seniors.
Seniors who were involved in these fall sports and activities did so because they loved the activity and wanted to make the best of their high school experience.
“I have run cross country for four years and have had some ups and downs, but overall, friends are what got me through it,” senior runner Trey Palmer said. “My whole high school experience was really based on sports so they really are the reason I enjoyed high school.”
“My experience overall has been pretty good, just stressful at times,” senior base cheerleader Morgan Branson said.
“Playing football has made many friendships that will last a long time,” senior offensive lineman and defensive lineman Logan Strunk said.
These seniors have made many memories throughout the years.
“There’s been so many fun times such as club tournaments, going to the hotels and swimming and running all over the hotel with each other and eating everyone’s snacks,” senior volleyball setter Brooke Spry said.
“One of my favorite memories is when Mr. Thomas had the fire department come down during band camp, and spray the whole band with the fire hose,” senior drum major Gabriel Porter said.
Being active in extracurricular pursuits was about more than just the particular activity, it was about the experiences and personal development that students gained.
“Out of sports I got the enjoyment of being skilled at something and it helped me with my competitive tendencies and many other skills,” Palmer said. “After high school I plan on playing a sport in college, hopefully basketball, and trying to get a job coaching or in construction.”
“After high school I plan to attend Mizzou to study law and I plan on cheering if possible,” Branson said.
“What I got out of cheerleading is a sense of leadership. Being able to inspire underclassman cheerleaders has made my experience as a cheerleader so much better and more rewarding.
I plan to attend Star Fair Community College and at the moment I plan on trying for the cheer squad,” senior base cheerleader Haley Dwyer said.
Cross Country
Trey Palmer
Brooke Spry Setter
Taylor Spry Back row
Rheanna Coke Back row
Rorie Jenkins Front row
Aspen Whitaker Back row
Kylee Fajen Libero
Lea Mebruerm Setter
Darby Mostaffa Flyer
Hallie Wenberg Flyer
Morgan Branson Base
Haley Dwyer Base
Jamie Jorgensen Back spot
Zachary Sharp Defensive back/Wide Receiver
Justin Martin Outside linebacker/Running back
Shane Ashlock Outside linebacker/Running back
Tim Burkhart Offensive line/Defensive line
PJ Landsberg Offensive line/Defensive line
Logan Strunk Offensive line/Defensive line
Grady Miller Offensive line/Defensive line
Kolton Krueger Offensive line/Middle linebacker
Gabby Porter Flute soloist and Head drum major
Jamie Jorgensen Section leader and Assistant drum major
Autumn Krueger Flute
Ellie Wassman Flute
Jesse Arms Alto saxophone
Lucas Culbertson Trumpet
Chloe Kaneaster Tuba and Section leader
Darby Mostaffa Marimba soloist and Section leader
Emmaleigh Kowal Concert bass drum and Gong
Color guard
Aerial Quigley Color guard captain
Sabrina Uptgraft Color guard captain
Dance Team
Lauren Kreisel
Ariel Givens
Sabrina Uptgraft

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