Math students take first at Warrensburg contest

Warsaw mathletes earned a first place in the first competition of the year. The math club competed Nov. 17 at the Warrensburg Math Competition. The team competed with over 100 students from around missouri, including California, Holden, Odessa, Richmond, and School of the Osage.
The students who competed, consisted of seniors Suzy Cortright, Caitlin Dudenhoffer, Ally Estes, Kolby Estes, Evan Kowal, Jacob Luebbert, Rylee Pals, Maleek Porter and Kamryn Yach; juniors Aiyanna Chenault, Jessica Dwyer, Becky Petesch, Kathryn Ricke, Lica Rosa and Scott Winters; sophomores Haley Dwyer, Kaylee Fajen, Kyleigh Hines, Lauren Kreisel, Joe Montez, Gabby Porter and Taylor Spry; and freshmen Amelia Botteron, Ben Kowal, Julie Long, and Nora McMillin.
Seniors Susie Cortright, Jake Leubert, Kolby Estes and Kamryn Yach earned a second place medal for the senior team.
“Math club makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger than myself. I joined math club because I thought it was a fun experience, and I wanted to learn. In math club, we take math tests, we have fun, we eat good food, and we have more fun. It has to do a lot with seeing what you know, it’s not just about math. We just find ways to make it fun. If you don’t do it to make it fun, you just go to another school and take a math test,” senior Maleek Porter said.
The junior team, which included Aiyana Chenault, Jessica Dwyer, Lica Rosa and Scott winters were awarded with second place.
“This will be my third year in math club. I have been to at least ten math competitions. I joined math club, because I love math, and I’m good at it too. My favorite part about it, is going out to eat and hanging out with everyone. I’m glad I joined it because, even if the tests aren’t the best part, I still get to hang out with all my friends, and we get to have lots of fun,” junior Scott Winters said.
The sophomore team came in second place with the team of Lauren Kreisel, Gabby Porter, Taylor Spry and Joe Montez.
For the first time, Amelia Botteron, Julie Long and Nora McMillin received a third place medal for the freshman team.
There was a mixed team that consisted of one student from each grade level came away with a third place medal with the students Ben Kowal, Kyleigh Hines, Kathryn Ricke, and Evan Kowal.
Out of the many students competing in the competition there were quite a few students who received third place or better. Out of the freshman, Julie Long got third place in Algebra Simplify, second in geometry, and first in Algebra Equations. Ben Kowal earned third place in geometry.
Freshman Ben Kowal enjoyed his first competition after being encouraged to join the team.
“The subjects can very from word problems to geometry, algebra to calculus. I wouldn’t say its hard, it just depends on how good you are at the subjects,” said Ben Kowal.
For sophomores, Lauren Kriesel got first in graphing. Gabby Porter received fourth place in geometry, and fifth place in Word problems.
For the juniors, Becky Petesch received first place on the graphing portion. Jessica Dwyer received second place for graphing, and third for algebra. Kathryn Ricke got a third in both graphing and word problems. Scott Winters received first place in word problems, and fifth in algebra.
On the seniors team, Jacob Luebbert got a fifth place in both functions and advanced topics. Ally Estes received a fourth place in geometry. Suzy Cortright placed second in trigonometry, and algebra. Kamryn Yach received a third in trigonometry, and a fifth in word problems. Maleek Porter got fourth in trigonometry, and probability, along with a second in advanced topics, and Kolby Estes got a fourth in advanced topics.

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