Golf team grows in size and finds succes in sport
Junior Ethan Schomburg tees in at his competition against Eldon. Schomburg finished with a personal score of 56.
The golf team each year is doubling in size and each member is improving and getting better with each meet and practice. Since the team has grown, they are all working together and helping each other out.
This year, the team consists of 11 members that include senior Rayne Faulconer, Junior Ethan Schomburg, Sophomores Aidan LeGrande, Jesse Barckley, Jacob Weiser, Wade Henderson, Lillian Alspaugh, Austin Cooper, Alexa Scriviner, A.J. McMillen and Cole Thirstrup.
Head coach Kyle Stoecklein says the team is working hard to improve their mechanics. Stoecklein says that without sound technique, players will be inconsistent. So, in order to develop better technique the team has been working hard at practice by hitting certain distances and playing with multiple clubs.
Stoecklein also says that, although they have areas to improve and things they are working on, they have many advantages going for them.
“We are a young team and most of our members have only a few months experience. One of the best things we have going for us is how quickly each member is picking up the game. This is a hard sport and we are very good at winning the ‘head game’ which is one of the biggest parts of the game,” Stoecklein said.
Some of the new members this year say that golf is a great in many ways and they are glad they decided to do something different.
“My favorite thing about golf is that it’s a sport where I can get outside and enjoy nature, and that it’s not a very competitive sport so there’s no pressure to win,” sophomore Lillian Alspaugh said.
Some of the more seasoned players say that coming back to the team each year has paid off performance-wise.
“Over the years I’ve played, I think my overall strategies have improved. It really pays off playing multiple years,” senior Rayne Faulconer said.
Thursday April 5 the team had their first home match against El Dorado and Versailles and also competed in a match Tuesday April 10 in Eldon against Eldon, Sacred Heart, and Eugene.
Thursday April 5 against El Dorado and Versailles, Warsaw finished with a score of 249. The individual scores included Faulconer finishing with a 65, Schomburg finishing with a 63, Legrande finishing with a 53, and Barckley with a 67.
Tuesday April 10 against Eldon, Warsaw finished with a scratch due to lack of varsity players, but the individual scores included Ethan Schomburg with a 56, Aiden Legrande with a 61 and Jesse Barckley ending with a 59.

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