FFA breaks auction records
The annual Friends of the FFA Chili Supper and FFA worker’s auction was one of the most successful in the history of the program on Feb. 28 despite being rescheduled due to the threat of snow on Feb. 20. Students raised $3,000 to help member expenses and the entire chapter.
The chili supper and auction was originally planned among the annual FFA Week events for the chapter, which included a breakfast for businessmen and women of the community and first responders and fun events for FFA members, including a farm show trip.
FFA alumnus and 2017 graduate Hunter Bagley called the auction of members to work for bidders. Workers were auctioned for a dollar amount per hour for four hours of work. Three hours of that money goes into that particular FFA members account and the last hour goes to the FFA’s general fund account.
“They can use that to cover FFA related expenses like conferences, trips, FFA jackets, etc . . . The other hour goes into the FFA general fund to be used for chapter operations and events like banquet, barnwarming, and community service projects,” FFA advisor Stan Adler said.
The auction has been an event that FFA has held since year one, which means it’s been a continuous event for seven years. The FFA members do a variety of work for their highest bidder.
Adler said students often do yard work, cut wood, babysit, fix fence, clean windows, and the list goes on.
“Anything within reason and with in the bounds of the law, Adler said.
This year is believed to be the most successful, bringing in a total of $3,000 and zooming past last year’s amount, which was just at $1,800. Some FFA members don’t get auctioned off and just help put on the event.
Other than workers, FFA members also auctioned off projects, such as post drivers and chairs made by students in the Ag building shop.
“I personally was never auctioned off, I was always the one in charge of the worker’s auction and organizing it. This was my first year doing the worker’s auction, last year I was unable to do it and Mr. Adler asked me this year if I would be willing to take it over for him since I was well organized,” sophomore Kaitlyn Hawley said.
Sophomore Lerran Yoder has been doing the workers auction for two years and has always been auctioned off, this year Yoder went for the highest price.
“I went for $155 per hour. I do lots of work outside and with anything agricultural. Make America great again,” Yoder said.
Senior Rayne Faulconer has been doing the worker’s auction for the last four year.
“We haven’t decided on what work I will be doing, but I went for $40 per hour,” Faulconer said.
This being the most successful workers auction that the Warsaw FFA Chapter has had, Adler is very thankful for everyone who helped it be as successful as it was.

Drew Dawson is a senior, this is her second year being a part of the journalism team and her first year serving as Web and Social Media Editor. Dawson...