Leaving seniors say goodbye to second family
The girls basketball season has quickly come to an end, while players look back on the good times they have had they say goodbye to four senior players.
The year’s basketball senior girls included Hannah Chapman, Gabby Flores, and Kylee Creach.
Some underclassmen will miss the seniors and will always remember the memories they made with them. They appreciate the respect and team cooperation that these leaders have had for the team and all players no matter their grade.
“They always push me to get better. They’re always positive, no matter what. I always say I want to be just like them when I am a senior because they treat all of the grades the same,” freshman Kylee Fajen said.
Players worked hard all season to get better at everything, and coaches worked harder to make their players the best they could be.
“We have put in a lot of extra work with drills for working on passing. We have done some drills to improve on shooting and the player’s form. We have worked hard on many things to get everyone prepared for next year,” coach Cody Morgan said.
Players enjoyed the bus rides to games with their talks and long naps on the bus. Players said they talk about anything on the bus and enjoyed growing closer while riding the bus to distant games.
“The bus ride is where all of our memories are at. We talk, sleep, and eat together and it makes us so much closer as a team. We laugh almost the whole bus ride to or home from the game if we aren’t sleeping,” freshman Taylor Spry said.
Players have mentioned how the team was very welcoming of new athletes this year.
“I was extremely nervous, I didn’t expect everyone to be so welcoming even in sports and everything like that. Everyone kind of just welcomed me and talked to me like I’ve been there forever. For my first year of moving to a new town and a new basketball team and school, everyone was so great,” senior Kylee Creach said.
Seniors formed relationships with the younger underclassmen players and worked well as a team.
“Past years we have had some troubles working together and we didn’t have as great of chemistry as we do this year. We are all friends, we’re like sisters and we communicate not with just our voices but with our body language and we know how to read each other, so that’s all really nice,” senior Hannah Chapman said.
The senior girls have started to feel the loss of their teammates, and will mostly miss playing with their friends daily.
“I’m going to miss playing with all the girls and enjoying time together. I’m going to miss watching the younger classmen grow and begin to love the girls as the season goes on,“ senior Gabby Flores said.
The girls finished their season with a 6-19 record. They lost to Holden in the first round of the district tournament 47-53.

Senior Yearbook Editor-in-Chief Brooke Spry has been in journalism for four years. Spry was involved in newspaper her freshman year and chose to do yearbook...