Seniors leave their mark on boys basketball team
Keegan Glenn passes the ball to teammate. Playing on their home court, the boys played against Cole Camp.
Basketball season is coming to an end, thus concluding a majority of the senior athletes’ high school sports careers. The seniors sum up the whole time as a bitter, but sweet experience. They will miss the game but are proud of how they have impacted the team and left their mark.
The seniors this year include Keegan Glenn, Cole Branson, Ryan Sprouse and Tyler Simons.
Each player has impacted the team and the other players in some way. The freshmen are thankful for the seniors for setting an example for them and making it clear how they should present themselves both on and off the court.
“I look up to the seniors like they’re my idols and I hope when I’m a senior I can make everyone laugh and smile like the senior players now do,” freshmen Joe Montez said. “When I’m a senior, I hope I can make other people’s day better like they do.”
The seniors have made many memories throughout the season in the many years they have played. The bond between fellow team members is sometimes strong enough to create friendships that last beyond the season.
“I think the best memories would have to be just playing the sport with my close friends all four years for sure,” senior center Cole Branson said.
Not only have the seniors made memories amongst themselves, but many of the other players have memories with the seniors as well.
“My favorite memory is definity just seeing just how competitive the seniors are when they led us in the game against Lincoln when we took the win,” sophomore Lane Bates said.
With experience comes improvements. With the last few games approaching, the seniors can look back at where they started and where they are now and they can see that hard work and dedication pays off.
“The entire team has improved their overall skill set and fundamentals. Also, the team is learning how to win respectfully,” head coach Scott Floyd said.
With all the pressure that upperclassman were under to make the last few games on the court meaningful, they also had to remember all the underclassmen they were influencing and being a role model for.
“They want you to do better but they won’t put you down, it’s all encouragement,” freshmen August Frace said.
The seniors are aware of the impact they have over the underclassmen as well.
”The most important part about being a senior is being a role model to the freshman and showing them how important it is to be a good person, both on and off the court. Showing underclassmen how to act and the importance of hard work is vital to keeping the basketball program on the right track,” senior shooting guard Tyler Simons said.
The Wildcats finished their season 13-13 after a first-round district loss to Sherwood with a score of 53-57. The boys worked hard at practices to improve their record from 2-21 last season.
Senior players have improved over the four years they have played tremendously. The experience they have had has shaped them into the players they are today.
“ ,” senior guard Ryan Sprouse said.

Senior Rheanna Coke has been dedicated to journalism for her entire high school career. She is in her fourth year of journalism. Her freshman year, she...