Speech team prepares to perform a one-act play, reader’s theater at district contest

Sophomores AJ McMillen, Kathyrn Ricke, and Alexa Scrivner are practicing on their roles for readers theater. They will perform their piece on March 2nd.
The speech team is preparing to debut their one-act play and reader’s theater performances at the March 2 district speech contest at State Fair Community College in Sedalia.
Middle school counselor and speech team coach Katie Johnson, is very excited to be submitting the one-act play, “Driver’s Test” by Don Zolidis, for the speech team. While the play only consists of two cast members, Johnson is adamant that the play will be a success.
The members participating in this play are sophomores Ashten Cunningham and Kathryn Ricke.
“We felt that we could really get creative and funny with this piece,” Cunningham said.
Cunningham is very happy to be participating in this play and Rickie expresses the same happiness.
“I think that we’ll do really great so long as we put in the work and practice,” Cunningham commented.
The play is about a very nervous teen about to go to her very first driver’s test with an insane tester.
Speech team members are also preparing to perform their Reader’s Theater for the March 2 competition.
Reader’s Theater is an theatrical art form in which a group of readers reads a script from a book. The movement in Reader’s Theater is usually more symbolic in nature than true stage theater. This year’s theme and content is about women’s empowerment. The working title of the piece is “Fight Like a Girl.” It consists of poetry and the students’ own writing. It is based of their own lives as their experience of what it means to be a woman.
“I wanted to be able to express my opinions and experiences as a woman based on our topic, what it means to be a woman,” junior Ren Rozzel said.
Other members such as sophomores AJ McMillen and Anna Cawood are also very enthusiastic about contributing to the reader’s theater.
Performers will act in the team contests a day before the individual district contest on March 3.
On the speech contest at Hillcrest on February 17, the speech team brought back home many awards. Sophomore Alexa Scrivner reached the semi-finals in all three of her events, Caitlin Easter finished in 6th place in prose writing, and senior Madi Rozzel finished in 4th place in poetry. The speech team went against 25 other schools at Hillcrest
The entire team brought home the 3rd place trophy at the Cole Camp competition on saturday, February 24th. This is the highest the team has placed this year.

Adrian Marlin is a senior and this is his first year as a member of the news staff. He enjoys painting, drawing, writing, reading, and playing games and...

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