Give abundantly- it makes everything else worthwhile
It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving. -Mother Theresa
As the cold weather settles into town, the holidays near and everything speeds up. We get in deeper into the month of November and we look forward to Thanksgiving and all of the Christmas preparations that are taking place. We always lose sight of the best parts of the holidays, giving abundantly, and loving those who can’t. Giving during the holidays is what makes this time of year so enjoyable.
Mother Theresa was a missionary nun of the Catholic Church, who was admired for her charitable work, winning a Nobel Peace Prize for her dedication to the poor in Calcutta. She was known worldwide for devoting her life to others.
As a high school student, giving to others of the less fortunate usually gets put on the back burner, as I tend to focus on the stress of high school and the homework that piles on. Like many others I love this time of year, but I can’t help getting distracted with all the chaos that comes with it.
For some students it’s hard to put a lot of money into giving. Being in high school also means being poor, but giving does not always mean spending hundreds of dollars. It can be a simple gift that means more to the person you’re giving it to then money ever would.
It can be a piece of art that you made or maybe you spend time with someone that you love.
Giving can also come from service. Such as charity, warm house, Christmas for Kids, smalls towns like this have a lot of small celebrations that take a lot of time to do, volunteer, any help counts.
Mother Teresa made giving a way of life, she encouraged others to do the same. Show others how much you love them by helping them.
It’s about how much of your heart you put into it, not your bank account.

Senior Brenna Smith, a lifelong Wildcat, has come back to the journalism department for her fourth and last year. This is her second year as the photo-editor...