Training to pay off in basketball season
Freshman Kylee Fajen plays defense at the girls first Jamboree. They won their six minute quarter against Lakeland. Photo by Rheanna Coke
Basketball season is the highlight of some student athlete overall year. The girls are excited to see how their year-long hard work plays out in competitions this season. They are striving to make improvements and all work as a team.
The girls first official practice was October 30, but for some players, like freshman Taylor Spry, it’s almost as if the season never stopped. She never stopped hustling just because game time was over. By going to all the basketball camps and weights over the summer and just playing with friends, she said she improved tremendously and definitely noticed a difference.
Sophomore Aubrie McRoberts said she thinks being involved in the sport all year round has been extremely beneficial and definitely shows her dedication and love for the sport. These are only a few if the players who have been involved outside of season; a majority of the team has attended camps and other summer activities.
The love of the sport and being a part of the team is enough to bring players back every year to make more improvements and new experiences every season.
“ ,” sophomore Kya Schepker said.
The not so fond memories of exhausting effort will not be forgotten, players say the words “get on the line” will be difficult to suppress. Also, the girls will remember some specific drills ran during practice as especially draining.
“I think the most difficult drill we run in practice is called the Alaska Drill because it is really confusing at times and physically challenging,” freshman Kylee Fajen said.
While some drills haunt the girls, others excite them and give them motivation that drives them back every day excited to practice.
“My favorite drill would have to be Rhode Island. It’s a drill where the team are unbalanced constantly, making it easy to score in transition. You start with one defensive and two offensive players and you play one on two then as you come back down the court two players come out with the lone player and it’s a constant game of unbalanced teams with the goal being to score quick in transition,” junior Jordan Plybon said.
Most drills run in practice are not just for fun, they have a purpose and are taken very seriously. The girls have been working hard at practice but, there is always room to improve their skills and get better. Head coach Cody Morgan said he is looking forward and is excited for the new season and there are many things to improve upon.
“I am excited to see how this group comes together as a team, and to see if they are able to improve on last year. I am excited to see if we can win more of those close games that we lost last year,” Morgan said.
Morgan hopes to top his records of last year, currently varsity stands at 5-21 and junior varsity stands at 2-13.
Although some things may seem as if it doesn’t matter to one of the girls, each player has a different perspective on the sport and what motivates them every game they play in.
“I personally like the feeling of being a part of the team. My favorite part of the game is when and you and your team are all doing really well because you know how to play well together” senior Kylee Creach said.
Overall, the girls are going into the season confidently and are ready to start the season. They had their first jamboree of the season on November 14 and won three quarters out of six, six-minute quarters. Their first official game was November 20 at Cole Camp. The team is excited to show off their hard work to their family, friends and fellow classmates.

Senior Rheanna Coke has been dedicated to journalism for her entire high school career. She is in her fourth year of journalism. Her freshman year, she...