FFA educates elementary kids at Food For America
Freshman Zach Sharp teaches elementary students about his FFA project. This is Sharp’s first year in FFA.
FFA members held an event to teach the younger generations about Agriculture. This event took place on Oct 6. There were a variety of presentations such as horses, tractors, dogs, etc.
Sophomore Allison Pool and junior Brandi Hubert presented their horses as part of their project. They were able to teach students how to trailer a horse and what to do if something goes wrong. When something goes wrong a horse handler is supposed to stay calm but maintain control.
“I think the students got the message pretty well,” junior Brandi Hubert said.
“They really liked Buttercup and she was good entertainment,” Hubert said. Buttercup is a Quarter horse owned by junior Morgan McGann.
FFA advisor Stan Adler said the students earned their spots in the Food for America event by presenting in class.
“Mr. Adler chose me because we all made presentations and whoever did the better job was chosen to present. I help my dad every summer and I was well informed on the subject,” sophomore Lerran Yoder said. Yoder did his presentation on the process of hay.
“For the most part, the kids had fun. I had the elementary kids look around. The kids did well except the preschoolers probably had a rough time processing it,” Yoder said.
Missouri Department of Transportation employee, Eric Flores, demonstrated DOT equipment.
“I’ve been doing it for several years and I usually do it every year except for one year,” Flores said. This year, Flores showed off a DOT tractor.
Student presentations were designed with elementary kids in mind.
“I did my presentation on hunting dogs because I like hunting and dogs,” freshman Jared Thomas said.
The elementary kids seemed to enjoy the presentation.
“I thought they liked the dogs,” Thomas said.
Junior Virgil Goucher did his presentation on oceanic greenhouses.
“We need to educate kids. We are doing greenhouse in class and I’m interested in it (oceanic greenhouses),” Goucher said.
Goucher said he had to adapt his presentation for the kids to better comprehend the new agriculture technique.
“I had to talk slow for them because they were very slow about it,” Goucher said.

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