New NHS members show scholarship, leadership, service and character

Senior Hannah Chapman leads the new members in the NHS pledge. A total of 20 new members were inducted on Oct 4.
The National Honor Society inducted new members on Oct 4. A total of 20 new members were inducted, which is a new record for NHS. This number added to the already existing members to make a group of 30 students. The whole high school attended the assembly and heard speeches from their teachers as well as guest speaker Dr. Shawn Poyser.
Senior Cash Miller, vice-president of NHS, believes the induction ceremony went very well.
“Our guest speaker Dr. Poyser did a great job with his speech, and it was great to hear all of the former and current educators speak so highly and passionately of the new inductees,” Miller said.
While the assembly meant a lot to the new inductees, it also raised some questions for the freshman and the less informed students. Those new to school organizations had the chance to be introduced to the annual NHS ceremony.
To those unaware of what exactly NHS is, senior Caitlin Easter has a simple explanation to describe the club in which she presides as the president over.
“National Honor Society is an organization focused on developing its members as leaders, promoting scholarship, serving our community, and holding our members to a higher standard when it comes to character.” Easter said.
For students to be in NHS means that they are now involved in a prestigious organization that honors the best of the best. However this also means that not everyone can join.
How do students join? Well they don’t join, they are chosen by teachers and others who have the power to nominate students.
“Students that are selected into NHS have met very high criterion in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character.” NHS sponsor Charlene Million said.
A student also needs to meet the qualifications to even have a chance to be nominated. The qualifications to get into NHS are very high.
“To get into NHS you have to be in the top of your class,” senior NHS member Cody Wilson said.
A student must have a 3.3 GPA and needs to demonstrate the four pillars of NHS. The four pillars of NHS are scholarship, leadership, character and service. They also have to submit an application that describes their service, leadership and activities/awards to the sponsor by the deadline, then a council of five faculty members vote on whether they should be selected as part of NHS
NHS has various positive influences on both students and the community.
“It looks very good on scholarships,” Senior and NHS member Dallas Larsen said. “It’s a good community and organization for representing schools as well as students.”

Adrian Marlin is a senior and this is his first year as a member of the news staff. He enjoys painting, drawing, writing, reading, and playing games and...