Band competes with ‘Winter Dreams’ show
Junior Ally Estes, freshman Jesse Arms, junior Taylor Bunch, and freshman Gabby Porter preform in their first show of the year. This year the theme is “Winter Dream.”
The marching band took their show beyond half time on Sept. 23, as they competed at the Smith Cotton Invitational in Sedalia. Band members have been practicing every morning, Monday through Friday, to make sure that they were ready for the show once it comes time to take the field in competition.
“We have been working hard,” sophomore Autumn Baur said.
The band took third in their division in Sedalia.
They introduced new elements to this year’s performance, with new music, props, and solos.
The show’s theme this year is called “Winter Dreams.” The band will be performing three pieces this year, “Carol of the Russian Children,” “Sleep in the Snow,” and “Wall to the Snowflakes.” To help the visual effect of the show, the band has added large snowflakes placed around the field to tie in with the theme.
Band Director Brandi Holt will be with the Warsaw band for her second year and is hoping to grow and improve the band as time goes on.
“When I think about ideas for shows, I think about the overall concept; how I can get that concept across to a variety of audiences – to judges, parents, and students at the football games. I try to find a broad concept and narrow it in before going into music,” band director Brandi Holt said.
Performers say the show is more challenging.
“Previous years we have done more basic shows; this year we are doing things that larger schools would do. We are introducing new songs, new props and new movements,” senior Kyra Kleihauer said.
Most of the band members have been performing in competitions for a few years now, and most have said that this year is their favorite so far.
As the season gets underway, some students have stepped into challenging new roles, such as drum majors junior Autumn Long and senior Zoe Eledge.
“For marching band, I’m the drum major. Being a drum major is more difficult because you have to help others and sometimes I’m kind of lost,” Long said.
The band members have stated that the new show they are putting together this year is a lot more difficult to learn.
“The halftime shows are becoming larger and a lot more difficult to perform. There are tons of little things that need work, but we seem to be getting better,” freshman Darby Mostaffa said. “Band takes a lot of work and time. To get everyone to play the same notes and move the same way takes a lot of practice.”
Holt plans her shows in advance and is working ideas before the year even starts.
“I’ve been planning ahead for next year’s show already,” Holt said. “I already have some music ideas.”

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